Friday 5 February 2016

11 days to go!

This is only a short updatey blog post as I've only posted about this pregnancy once. Going to try blogging about it every day until she is born.

Oh my fucking God there's only 11 days until the c-section. Currently terrified, but excited at the same time.

SPD is a bitch. It hurts every time I move and it's getting annoying as fuck and on top of that I waddle like a penguin. Don't think I can handle another 11 days of it, but I'm going to have to. I'm in so much pain. :(

I'm 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant (if my calculations are correct). At my 37 week midwife appointment my fundal height was 37cms, so bang on for my stage in pregnancy. My pee had a trace of protein in it. My blood pressure was 120/66. So all is splendid in this pregnancy apart from the fucking SPD and heartburn.

Really scared of the c-section, but it's preferable to the birth experience I had when I had isaac. People keep being bitchy about having a c-section and saying that I should have a vaginal birth because my previous birth wasn't a c-section. They hint that it's a stupid idea and assume I haven't thought it through when I've quite possibly not thought about one thing as much as I've pondered this c-section in my entire life. Wish people would just leave me the fuck alone. I have my very valid reasons and all the professional people think it's the best option for me too.

Anyhow, we have everything we need for litte Ava now. I got a quinny buzz for her like I had for isaac, apart from the one we have for Ava is purple. The only thing we need is milk (annoyingly can't breastfeed because of the medication I'm on :( ) and nappies. Got a few cloth nappies that we are going to try between using disposables to see which we prefer. If we prefer cloth, I'll buy more cloth nappies. If not, we will stick with disposables.

Can't think of anything else to write about today, so toodlepip! :)