Saturday 25 July 2009

Introductiony post...

I have recently realised that all I ever seem to talk about is pregnancy related crap and I'm starting to annoy myself with it. I decided it would be a good idea to make a pregnancy blog because it's somewhere to write all about my pregnantness without writing too much about it on my main blog. I'm sure my whittering on about pregnancy is boring to everyone who isn't actually pregnant... I know I wouldn't find it interesting if I wasn't pregnant myself! XD

The title 'Some girls are bigger than others' is the name of a song by The Smiths. I'm getting a lot bigger than I used to be, so I thought it would be an ok title!

I should have thought up the idea of a pregnancy blog sooner as there is now less than three months until the baby is due. It would have been nice to document the rest of the pregnancy, but oh well. It's not the end of the world!

I have a feeling I'll update this blog an awful lot because I have a lot of free time and a lot of pregnancy-related crap to whitter on about!

In this first post, I'll cover the answers to the two most commonly asked pregnancy questions. 1) When's it due? And 2) Is it a boy or a girl? I can sum that up in one sentence: The baby is due on October 19th 2009 and it's a boy.

I'll definitely write a proper post later on today! Look below and there's a pic of the little dude! =D

1 comment:

  1. yayyyyyyyyy, pregness bloggage!!

    *waves at the little one*
