Wednesday 29 July 2009


Rarrrrr! I am so fed up of people being quite horrible about names! My mother in particular (not just, her), but moooooo! He's my baby and I will call him whatever the fuck I want to call him! >.<

It seems that unless you are going to call your kid something extremely normal and overused (no offense to anyone with these names or children with the names) like Harry, Ben or Jack, people are going to be bitchy and really quite mean.

I had to rant about this after I told my mother to stop constantly calling the baby a particular name. It was only a suggestion I came up with a few weeks ago and she thinks he should be called it because she likes it. Her using it has made me cross it off my mental list of possibilities. What gives her the right to name MY baby?! After telling her to stop using that name, she went on to persuade me to tell her my current favourite names (even though I said I didn't want to tell her). I didn't want her to either latch onto a name or be absolutely fucking horrible about the names, like she had been in the past.

One of my favourite names (which was actually quite a common name) is apparently a dog's name and if I called my child that, my mother w0uld call him something else. That really pissed me off because it would be like my grandmother calling me Felicity or something because she doesn't like the name Charlotte.

Another name (one of my favourites at the moment) is apparently a bully target because it's the name of a very famous junkie associated with another celebrity who I can't stand. I had never even heard of him until my mother mentioned him and I googled. I'm pretty sure there are many more drug junkies in the world called Charlotte or Harry...

Apparently using Sirius as a middle name is bad and people would just think I'm an immature Harry Potter fan (this coming from a woman with a child called Harry). Yes, I like Harry Potter, but I love the name Sirius when paired with an un-potter-related first name. Besides, it is the name of a fucking star!

Apparently someone called Angus would be bullied because kids would associate it with aberdeen Angus. Yeah fucking right... I'm eighteen and I had to google Aberdeen Angus. >.<

There are many more examples I could give, but I don't want to give away the names on my list or rant so much that I get any more pissed off. Blahhh. If she can't think of a specific bad thing to pick on about a name, she'll just say something like 'it's a chav name', 'it's weird' or 'I know someone I don't like with that name'.

Oh, and if the name is obviously biblical (unless it's something like Lucifer) it's perfectly ok to use no matter how weird it is... Apparently someone called Job (BJ anyone?) wouldn't get bullied, but someone called Angus would? I mean, dude, where's the logic in that?!

So yeah, until the baby is born, I am telling nobody my list of names. Blehhh. If I was having a girl I wouldn't have this problem because there is only one name I would use and everyone seems to like it. >.<

1 comment:

  1. It's your baby. It's your baby. It's your baby. It's your baby. It's your baby. It's your baby.
    YOU Name him whatever the hell you like!! If you don't, you'll regret it for the rest of your (and his) life.

    As someone who doesn't really do Harry Potter much (therefore it's not the first thing I think of when I hear Harry or Sirius or anything else supposedly Potter-related) I have to say I like Sirius lots =] And in any case - everyone names their squigglytiddlypeeps after things they like! I know people who are named after singers, actors, songs, cities, favourite pets... that's how most peeps name their little ones!
    Moo @ anone who tries to influence you on this. Unless you end up trying to name him Michael-Gary-Glitter-Jackson or something, then it's OK for peeps to try to rein you in a teeny bit... ;)
