Sunday 6 September 2009

Not a good idea!

Just for the record- Camping whilst 33 and a half weeks pregnant is NOT a good idea.

I went thinking I'd be fine. I didn't really understand why people were making a big deal about it. It was fun and everything, but even if I had wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to get any sleep.

I couldn't get comfortable on the horrible, hard floor. Every time I moved I got pretty bad cramp in my legs. I had it in both legs simultaneously at one point and it was horrendous. I also kept getting pins and needles. On top of that, I had terrible heartburn. I had no gaviscon with me. I'd taken it out of my bag at the last minute before I left the house to save room in my bag! >.<>.<

Today I'm all achey and horrible. I feel a zillion times more sleepy than I usually would be after campingy shizz.

I know none of this shizz sounds too bad, but seriously- it's fucking horrible and I will certainly be waiting until at least when the squigglytiddlypeep is born to go camping again!
Campingness was rather fun apart from all this shizz though! XD

Anyway, my head feels like it's going to fall off... So I'm going to bed for a few hours. Byesss.

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds awful!

    I really hope you're feeling better now, and that you are sleeping well now.

    I'm sure that camping with a new born won't be much fun either, so it might be a while yet!

    Take care
