Saturday 29 August 2009

The best things about pregnancy!

I thought just having a list of the worst things about pregnancy is a bit negative... So I made a list of the best things too to balance it out! It's nowhere near as long, but hey ho! It's always good to have a little bit of positivity! XD

1. Feeling the squigglytiddlypeep move around... it's like the best feeling in the world.
2. The law about being allowed to pee anywhere.
3. Seeing the scans.
4. Knowing there's an actual little person living inside you that you made yourself!
5. People giving up their seats for you when you haven't even said anything about wanting to sit down.
6. Getting away with eating hoobloads more than you normally do.
7. People holding doors open for you.
8. You can get away with saying 'I'm not fat, I'm pregnant'.
9. People telling you that you're looking healthy... I'm not sure why people keep doing that... I definitely don't look any more healthy!
10. Being able to rest drinks on the bump and generally use it as a table... not good when things get kicked off though lol!
11. People insisting on doing things for you... My grandmother keeps insisting on cleaning out the rodent cages for me and getting me drinks.
12. The baby you get at the end of it all.
13. Knowing that soon you wont be pregnant anymore!
