Thursday 27 August 2009

Midwife Appt.

Ok, so I fucked up lastnight's post. Shame, it was a huge list of 69 things. I even cried over the deleteage of it lol... fuckin' hormones! I'm gonna try to re-create the list tonight though, so watch out for it! XD

Anyhow, I just got back from my midwife appointment. Yeah, it was at 2:30, but I went shopping afterwards... I bought a new top (not an interesting one) and some hair dye. I know I shouldn't be dying my hair, but I'm so fed up of having boring hair... I'm going to go back to my usual pinkyness! XD

Everything was hoobacious at the midwife appointment. My piss was fine. My blood pressure was 100/60. Fundal height was 32 (which is perfect because I'm 32 weeks pregnant). His heart rate was 140-155. I got my Sure Start Maternity Grant thing signed and got the Health In Pregnancy form. I'm still low risk... And best of all, he's now 'ceph free' which basically means that his head is down (like it should be), it's not engaged yet and he's no longer breech. =D

My next midwife appointment is in two weeks and is on September 10th... it's scary that it's that date in just 2 weeks because it seems dead close to October 19th!

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