Saturday, 8 August 2009


Oh my god! Just look at the picture (and ignore the shitty PJs)! My bump is getting huge! Erk- you can see one of my many stretchmarks... One day when I'm feeling very brave (even braver than I am right now... It took a lot of persuading myself to actually take a bump picture), I might take a close up stretchmark pic and blog all about stretchies... Definitely not today though! This post is about how huge I am!

This morning I was going to get dressed and realised that apart from a couple of recently bought tops and all my old, exceedingly baggy (although not really baggy at all anymore) band t-shirts, I had no clothes that fit me. The only things I had that I can wear on my bottom half (not including PJ bottoms, as for some reason, I can still squeeze into all my old ones) are my maternity jeans and some shorts I bought a few weeks ago. I decided I needed to go shopping.

I went to New Look. Usually maternity jeans look shit (in my opinion) and I thought my maternity jeans were an ok buy as they looked slightly less shit than some other ones you can get, but still look pretty crap. I was only really going to look for a new top, but I ended up buying some black maternity skinny jeans which are fucking awesome! Unlike all other maternity jeans I've seen, I know for a fact that my mum wouldn't wear them... That was good enough for me, so I bought them. They are so hoobaciously comfortable! =D I couldn't find any tops I liked in the maternity section, so I just got a normal size 14 (gosh, it's weird to think that all my mother and grandmother's clothes would now fit me) top. It's kind of baggy, so there'll be lots of room to grow. I'm not sure if it'll fit me right up until the baby is born, but I know it'll definitely fit me for a few weeks (even at the immense rate that I'm expanding). I also bought some shoes and a bag. Shopping was productive. =]

It's getting hard to shave my legs, pick things up off the floor and tie shoe laces now, so I'm kind of worried that it's just going to get worse and worse. I refuse to give birth with hairy legs, so I'm going to find a way round it! My belly button (which I think was always pretty deep for a belly button) is getting shallower and shallower. I wonder how long it'll take for it to become an outie...

Ooohh... today, the squigglytiddlypeep moved so violently that it hurt like fuck! It was in the area around my bottom ribs. I swear he was trying to break a rib! At least I know he's moving around! I hope he doesn't cause me too much pain in the next just over 10 weeks!

Anyhow. Now I've informed the world of my giganticness, I'm gonna go do something else! Hoobletoodledoo!