Sunday 23 August 2009

Bump update and new due date!

So this is what my bump currently looks like after 31 weeks and 6 days of pregnantness. I swear it's gone smaller since the last bump picture! Please excuse the rolled down pouchy thing on my maternity jeans and also ignore the stretchmarks (omfg- they're 10 times worse on the other side of me)! It looks smaller in the picture, but I'm growing out of more and more clothes, so I'm guessing it's not actually smaller and just looks like it is.

I have a new estimated due date... Well, not really... but my mum predicts I'm going to give birth around the 19th of September (like a month before he's actually due). She was right when she had a feeling her friend was going to give birth early... So maybe she's right with me too. For the last month or so I've had a feeling he's going to come early. There's a gig I want to go to on September 21st, but I'm not going to go to it because it's less than a month before the actual due date and seems a bit risky! I hope my mums random feeling isn't right... I'd like him to be born before he's due, but no more than a week or so before! I'm nowhere near ready to have a baby that soon lol! But yes, we shall see whether my mother is more accurate than the midwife and a scan! Should be interesting to find out! XD

Meep. It's pretty much impossible to get comfortable these days. The bump gets in the way of everything from sleeping to touching my feet. It even knocks things over. I got kinda stuck under the table in the pub because of it on Thursday and then I'm pretty sure I knocked over a glass with it when going past a table. I'm going to have to attempt to shave my legs again tonight. It should be fun. I'm being extra careful with that at the moment. It was fucking embarrassing being in hospital with a leg related thing and having only partially shaved legs!

But meep... You've now had a bump update and stuff, so I'm gonna stop writing because I have nothing interesting to say.


  1. Hoobygalooby, that does look smaller! o_O
    The jeans are hoobygroovy =D

  2. XD I knew it wasn't just my imagination when I realised it looked smaller! =D Maybe he's just changed position or something.

    The jeans are the best. They're the most hoobygroovy thing ever and some time in the near future, I may have to do a blog post all about them! XD

  3. Oh a bumb picture! wow how exciting for you!

    Wishing you all the best
