Tuesday, 4 August 2009


I had my anti-d injection today. I had been freaking out about today because ever since this incident, I have been really scared of having blood taken from me. I freaked out in the hospital last week when I was going to have blood tests, so I had to have the blood taken and tested while I was there today. Luckily, my fear of needles or whatever I was scared of seems to have randomly disappeared now and I could appreciate the awesomeness of the needle size!

They took two test tubes of my blood. It took them ages and ages to find a vein. The blood came out of me at a decent speed this time though... No drip... drip... dripping.
I then waited around for a while while they tested my blood for antibodies or whatever. They proceeded to tell me my name, date of birth and that my blood group is O negative... All information which I knew... but hey ho! I didn't bother telling them that my last name doesn't have an E on the end... I gave up on trying to get people to spell my name right years ago!

Then for the anti-d. It was a huge needle! Possibly the biggest one I've ever had. People had been telling me for weeks that it was in my butt or my leg. It was injected into the muscle in my arm with no mention of injecting it into anywhere else... Such a relief! XD It was probably the most painful injection I've ever had. It wasn't very painful or anything, but as there was a huge syringe of stuff to go into my muscle, I wasn't surprised at the weird stingy numbness. It didn't feel pleasent, but it was ok... The needle was rad though! =D

My grandmother was with me, and she mentioned to the midwife giving me the injection that I hadn't felt any definite movements from the baby for about 24 hours. Personally I wasn't immensely worried because there are days where he doesn't move as much as others, but it was kind of worrying. I didn't want to make a big deal of something that was probably nothing, but the midwifey person strapped me into a fetal heart monitoring thingy (the bit of paper from it is pictured above) just to make sure it was ok. It monitored the heart rate and also the movements. He moved quite a bit when I had the thingy strapped on to me... Typical! XD It was very reassuring though. At least I know the squigglytiddlypeep is fine. =]

It was rather worrying while I was there as there was another pregnant person getting checked out. She had had suspected swine flu, but the blood tests came back negative (yes, I listen into other people's conversations when I'm bored waiting for things). They told her that she didn't have swiney while she was in the antenatal place. So she could have given swiney (if she had happened to have it) to loads of other pregnant people. Even though she didn't have swiney, it's still worrying because even if it's just normal flu, I'd rather not catch it! >.<

Anyhow... That was my morning! XD