Monday 26 October 2009

1 week late...

I thought I'd do a final bump picture before I actually go into labour. The baby is now a week late, so my belly is HUGE! It looks like someone put a football inside my skin! I've grown hoobloads since my last bump pic... unfortunately, so have my stretchmarks... but hey ho!

I've been meaning to blog about my stretchmarks for months and months but I haven't been able to pluck up the courage until now. I'm past caring about anything like that now though, so I'll take this opportunity to write about them. Yeah, they're fugly... but they exist and I have to deal with that. It's not like I ever used to show my belly or anything anyway! The picture actually makes the stretchies look a lot less bad than they actually are. They're literally all over my belly, all over my hips, right down my legs (almost down to my fucking ankles), probably on my butt and I'm pretty sure they go round to the bottom of my back too. I hate them, but I'm getting used to them. I guess blogging about them is better than hiding them for the rest of my life and being ashamed of them. =]

Anyhow... I can't believe the baby still isn't here! He was due on the 19th and it's now the 26th, almost the 27th! I've tried everything possible to get him out! I had a sweep last week, I've been walking A LOT (even up Bangor Bitch Hill), I've been bouncing on my exercise ball, bouncing on my trampoline, persuading my grandfather to drive down very bumpy roads, eating basil straight from the plant pot, drinking raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation (probs not enough though as I got bored and gave up after like a minute), jogging (well, attempting to), cleaning ceilings, asking nicely, eating spicy food (it's so hard to find spicy food that doesn't contain chilli), eating lots of pineapple and various other things! I've tried most things (apart from sex, as there's nobody to do that with) and nothing is working! I even gave in and tried castor oil this morning, which did absolutely nothing... I didn't even get diarrhoea! In fact, I haven't even had a shit all day... Castor oil is crap!

Talking of shit... I'm so worried that I wont poo by tomorrow! When doing internal examinations, midwives take note of whether or not your bowels are empty. Luckily last time they were, but if my bowels aren't empty I'm going to be so fucking embarrassed (I know that sounds silly, but I'm a silly person). I NEED to poop by then!

Tomorrow I have another sweep. The last one didn't work and I'm sure this one wont either, but I'm gonna go ahead with it anyway. I'll find out how things are going (effacement and dilation wise). I'm pretty certain I'm gonna end up being induced. I've given up hope of ever going into labour!

I keep getting pains. Sometimes they even have a pattern to them for a while... but then they just disappear! It's getting annoying because I keep getting my hopes up!

Anyhow... I might blog again later on... but I might not! Hoobletoodledoo!


  1. Poor Charli, stuck in eternal pregnancy, covered in stretch marks, constipated, and about to have someone probe you to find out exactly how constipated

    I have to laugh at you getting bored of nipple stimulation, though. But maybe laughing at is what will start the labour.

    Hope you manage to get everything out of you soon.

  2. lol I don't think not pooping for almost a day really counts as being constipated! :P
    For the record, I did a poo about half an hour after writing this blog! XD
    I don't wanna be probeddddddddddd! ::)
    Laughing is the way forward! =D

  3. hehe
    To bad writing about the baby isn't as effective as writing about poo.

    hmm, I'll hide somewhere and jump out to startle you, maybe that's squeeze him out

  4. The stretchmarks tell a story about your life. Be proud of them. I had them from my arms to my ankles with my son as I had gained 40kg. Yes they are there, all silver now, but they tell a story. Luv ya kid...he will come out!!

  5. For a week late, that's certainly not the biggest prego-belly I've seen so don't worry!
