Thursday 8 October 2009

Midwife and stuff

I just had a rather annoying midwife appointment. >.<

I peed on the stick like I usually do. For once, I actually needed to pee when I did it, so it was easier than it usually is. There was apparently quite a lot of protein in my urine... So I have to pee in a stupid little thingy tomorrow. I hate that I keep having to do that (well, it's only the second time I've had to... but mooo- last time I peed on my hand). >.<

Then it was blood stealage time. It failed. After spending ages trying to find a vein, she finally put the needley thing into my arm. I thought it meant she'd be able to steal some, but I was wrong. Not even a single drop of blood came out of my arm. Twas immensely annoying because I now have to go to the hospital tomorrow to get my blood stolen. I hate hospitals and was hoping I wouldn't have to go there again until I was actually in labour! >.< Meep, might be a good thing she didn't manage to steal my blood though as I keep forgetting to take my iron tablets.

My blood pressure was 115/75, which is slightly higher than my blood pressure usually is, but not high enough to be worrying.

Fundal height was 39cm. Rather annoying as I have a feeling he's gonna be quite big. Not abnormally big, but I'm guessing at least 8lbs or something... I might be wrong, but I really do have a feeling he's gonna be big considering that on the fundus chart thing on the back of my notes, it says it's in the 80th percentile. =/ He's nice and healthy though as his heart thing was 140-160.

I'm losing hope of him coming before he's due. He's only 1 more 5th engaged than he was two weeks ago (2/5 palpable). I know that how engaged they are isn't really a good indicator of when they're going to arrive, but it would have been nice to know he was more than 3/5 engaged. I am very fed up of being pregnant and I just wanna meet the little dude! >.<

Anyhow... Yesterday I bought a baby name book. I don't particularly need to add any more names onto my list and I *did* get a baby name book free with a magazine last week... but I bought it anyway even though my grandmother tried to talk me out of it. It was a total waste of £7, but it's quite a good book so hey ho! XD

I neeeeeeeeed to not be pregnant anymore. I hate waking up every 1-2 hours during the night to pee. I hate getting heartburn so much. I hate all the little pains. I hate the backache. AND I FUCKING LOATHE THE STRETCHMARKS! ::)

So yeah, hoobletoodledoo!


  1. Good luck with everything there.
    Hope you get him out soon and you enjoy it all, even if you have to pee on yourself again.

  2. Must be frustrating! Hope he comes soon!
