Tuesday 20 October 2009


I have now had a sweep. It was nowhere near ad bad as I thought it would be... The midwife didn't even look at my fanny or anything. I'd read that sweeps can be painful but it wasn't even slightly painful... It was a teeny weeny uncomfortable, but that was it! Apparently she managed to get quite a good sweep. It wasn't even completely mortifying like I expected it to be! Hopefully it'll help get things started... If it doesn't, I can have another sweep in like a week and if that fails, an induction onthe 29th... As both of those are too late to be convenient for me, I desperately hope the sweep works!

I'm not dilated yet, but I'm apparently about 50% effaced. My notes now say I have normal external genitalia and a normal vagina, which for some reason I find quite hilarious... Yay for having a normal flange! It's probably the only thing that's normal about me! I also have an anterior cervix... I can't remember what that means, but I think I was told that's a good thing. The midwife apparently felt the babys head and he's 3/5 engaged.

I still had some protein in my pee, but all is good as we know I have no infections or anything. My blood pressure was 117/70, which as normal is pretty good. The baby's heart rate is 138-149 so that is good.

So yes, HOPEFULLY he'll decide to arrive some time soon!

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