Tuesday, 13 October 2009


I am now 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant. The baby is due in SIX DAYS! I had a midwife appointment today.

The midwife couldn't give me the results of my blood or urine stuff because the computers weren't working... but she will phone me tomorrow and tell me shizz.

There was still protein in my pee today... Not as much as there was last time though. My blood pressure was 120/65. Fundal height was 39... So it once again corresponds with how many weeks pregnant I am. He's still 3/5ths engaged and his heart thingy was 135-147.

The midwife said I could have a sweep on my due date if I want, but then she realised she wasn't working on the 19th... So I can have a sweep on the 20th if I want one. I'm going to ponder it. If I do go until next week, I'll be super fed-up of being pregnant and stuff... but it seems like a little too much unnecessary fiddling with my flange as I could just wait to be induced. I shall ponder though! Hopefully I'll go into labour before I have to decide about sweepageness!

In other news, I messed up completely with hair removal cream and ended up having to shave off all my pubic hair. It wasn't the smoothest of shaves and my poor fanny is a little itchy and whatnot as a result. I just hope there are no ingrown hairs or any spots or anything down there. If there are and I have to give birth, it'll be bloody embarrassing!

1 comment:

  1. :1071: I am loving the pube updates! Glad everything's going hoobygroovily XD
