Thursday 1 October 2009

It's October!

OHMYGOD! It's finally October... So eepyayyyfuckgollycrappycrapwowza=]o_O to that! XD I will have to have a baby by the end of the month. Well, by the 29th anyway as they wont let me go more than 10 days over the due date. The baby could decide to arrive at any time now! I hope he comes before the 19th, but not until at least next week. It'd be pretty awesome if he was born on the 11th because then his date of birth would be 11/10/09.

People keep nagging me about getting my hospital bag packed. I now have most things I need to put in the bag (maternity towels, stuff to wear whilst giving birth, nappies, etc.) BUT I have a slight problem... I HAVE NO BAG! I can't find a suitably sized one that I actually like anywhere! I am going to try Matalan today and if I can't find one there, I'm screwed!

I think I have it narrowed down to four names. What I think is my favourite out of the four names would probably be classed as a weird name by most people, but it's not like a made up name or anything... it is one of those names that people will inevitably be bitchy about. It's quite long too... Not quite as long as Charlotte, but it seems longer because it has four syllables. Gosh, I love the name though. I just can't decide whether or not naming him it would be a good thing. Hmmm... Ponder, ponder, ponder! XD

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