Tuesday, 27 October 2009


I've been getting pains since about 2am. They started off about 20 minutes apart and gradually went down to about 9 minutes apart. The midwife came at about 10:30 or something and did another sweep. This time it hurt a little. Apparently I'm 3cm dilated! She stretched it a bit or something. The pains have got worse since she left. His head is fully engaged. His heart thingy is 130-140. My blood pressure is 110/70... So all is hoobygroovy!

Apparently I should go for a walk, eat, have a bath and whenever I feel like I need pain relief ring the labour ward... So I shall do all that, but first I shall make sure I have everything I need in my hospital bag!

The midwife said she's almost certain I'll have him in the next 24 hours... so hopefully (unless I decide to blog later on today) next time I write on this blog, I'll have had the baby! =D



  1. Woop!

    *waits for updates on dilateyness* ;)

  2. lol i don't think i'll be able to do dilateyness updates from the hopickle...

  3. yay :D

    good luck hope all goes well

  4. Exciting!!! Soon you'll have a gorgeous little boy!!! You'll be a mother!!
    Hope you've had him by now!
