Monday 19 October 2009


It's now 5am on October 20th. He's now officially 5 hours late and it's rather annoying.

I think I'm going to have a sweep today. It'll be rather embarrassing, but anything to get him out is worth a try! I have no idea what time the midwife is going to come, but I'll probably update my blog soon afterwards.

I've been having the occasional little niggle, but nothing different to what I've been experiencing for about a week now.

I'm pooping quite a lot recently... Maybe that's a sign he'll come soon... Or maybe youdont really wanna be Reading about my bowel habits!

I had heartburn tonight for the first time in about four nights... I thought I'd finally got over theheartburn, but apparently not!

I've been sitting on my exercise ball a lot today. It feels so comfortable at the moment!

Anyhow... I'm gonna go ... I shall update later!

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