Sunday, 1 November 2009
The birth of Ike!
So yeah, as you probably already know, I went into labour on October 27th. I was getting pains from about 2am. The pains finally got so bad I thought I might need pain relief at about 5:30pm, so I went to the labour ward as I had been instructed to do. When I went to the hospital, the contractions were happening every three minutes and lasting for about a minute each time. At about 6 o clock I was 5cm dilated. I actually managed without pain relief until about 9pm. The midwives were marvelling about my pain tolerance. At 9pm I had gas and air. At first, I couldn't work out how to use it properly and thought it wasn't doing anything. Once I got the hang of it, it was amazing. Yeah, the contranctions still hurt but I didn't care about it. It made me feel like I was somewhere between drunk and stoned. Twas great... Although it did make me talk a load of absolute bollocks. When they examined me at 10pm, I was just under 8cm dilated and they thought he would be born within the hour. They also discovered he was in the posterior position (his back was against my back). By about 11pm, the pain was immense and gas and air made no difference to it whatsoever. The baby was also getting very distressed. I then had syntocinon to speed things up and hartmann's solution because apparently I was very dehydrated (even though I had had 8 bottles of water due to the gas and air making my mouth immensely dry). At this point, I also agreed to have diamorphine. From this point, I don't remember much so I'm going to write about it from what people have told me and vague, blurry memories. Apparently the diamorphine was injected into my butt. I was absolutely off my head. I even agreed to let my mother take me to the toilet (how bloody embarrassing!). I couldn't walk on my own. By this time it was about 1:30 and when the midwife examined me, she decided to break my waters. I remember this being the most painful part of the whole thing. When she broke them, there was apparently very little amniotic fluid. I didn't even get wet. I just felt a tiny drop on my leg. For a while, nothing happened (apart from being in a lot of pain). I went to the toilet a second time at about 3am. The pain was so bad that I had to have gas and air in both the toilet and the corridor. I was accompanied (and being held up) by both my mother and the midwife. I got tangled in all the wires and everything in the door to the toilet. It was rather humiliating. When I came back from the toilet, the midwife suggested an epidural as the pain was exceedingly bad, my blood pressure was going way up and I felt like I needed to push (even though I was only 8cm). Even though I had previously planned not to have an epidural under any circumstances, I ended up agreeing to one. I had to sit on the end of the bed, bent forward while they shoved the needle into my back and stuff. I had 3 tubes of stuff going into me. After I had the epidural, the midwife examined me again and found I was STILL only 8cm dilated. She could feel a bit of the cervix over the baby's head (or something) which she moved off (which even with the epidural was apparently very painful for me). The epidural wasn't working very well so the anaesthetist topped it up a few times. At about hoobs o clock, I had finally got to 10cm and could start the whole pushing thing (after the doctor agreed to it). I couldn't feel the contractions properly, so it was difficult for me to push at the right time. I could only feel some of the contractions and they had to watch the monitor and feel my belly so I knew when to push. It was veryyy slow. After about an hour and a half of only semi-successful pushing, they decided to use the ventouse thing to help pull him out. They were also going to do an episiotomy and they gave me two injections (I actually remember feeling the sharp scratches!) and just as she went to pick up the scalpel, he was born (at 7:44am). When he eventually came out, it was like he'd been shot out and he very almost fell onto the floor because he came out all in one push. Him coming out felt really weird. It was like a slippery, weird feeling. They passed him straight to me and I decided to call him Isaac Sirius. He was perfect. Apparently then I was bleeding immensely heavily and I needed to go to theatre to fix my third degree tear. There was like a zillion people in the room at this point. I only got to hold Isaac for a few minutes. I somehow ended up in theatre and my mum was allowed to be there too. The grandmother stayed with Isaac. After being fixed (which took an hour and 20 minutes) I went to the recovery room and they finally brought Isaac back to me. They stole some of my blood in the recovery room and eventually, they took me and Isaac to the ward.
Isaac weighed 8lb 14.5oz... So it's not surprising I had a third degree tear. His head circumference was 36.7cm. He was 52cm long. He had an apgar score of 9.
It wasn't fun being in the hospital, but it would have been worse if Isaac wasn't there. It was very frustrating not having control of my legs (because of the epidural) and I felt like absolute shite for ages. His blood group is A positive and mine is O negative, so I had to have another anti-d injection. There was a horrible moment in the hospital where I was going to go to the toilet and there was a huge amount of blood and I felt rather dizzy and horrid. It was rather scary... but everything was ok. I had to stay in hospital until like the 30th. I think that was mainly because my haemoglobinz had somehow managed to go down to 8 (even though it was like 12 or something a few days before). We finally went home on the 30th at about 5 o clock.
Yesterday I took him out for the first time. Nowhere interesting... just shopping. I was carrying him in the baby sling thing (couldn't be arsed with putting together the pram). Isaac recieved a lot of attention. Every time I went into a shop, people asked me questions about him. They seemed shocked when I told them he was only 3 days old. He dressed up as a skeleton for halloween. I have to wait until he's asleep and stuff to do things like write this blog. For some reason, I don't mind that he pees on me, poos on me and pukes on me. He's adorable and I loveses him! <3
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
I've been getting pains since about 2am. They started off about 20 minutes apart and gradually went down to about 9 minutes apart. The midwife came at about 10:30 or something and did another sweep. This time it hurt a little. Apparently I'm 3cm dilated! She stretched it a bit or something. The pains have got worse since she left. His head is fully engaged. His heart thingy is 130-140. My blood pressure is 110/70... So all is hoobygroovy!
Apparently I should go for a walk, eat, have a bath and whenever I feel like I need pain relief ring the labour ward... So I shall do all that, but first I shall make sure I have everything I need in my hospital bag!
The midwife said she's almost certain I'll have him in the next 24 hours... so hopefully (unless I decide to blog later on today) next time I write on this blog, I'll have had the baby! =D
Apparently I should go for a walk, eat, have a bath and whenever I feel like I need pain relief ring the labour ward... So I shall do all that, but first I shall make sure I have everything I need in my hospital bag!
The midwife said she's almost certain I'll have him in the next 24 hours... so hopefully (unless I decide to blog later on today) next time I write on this blog, I'll have had the baby! =D
Monday, 26 October 2009
1 week late...
I thought I'd do a final bump picture before I actually go into labour. The baby is now a week late, so my belly is HUGE! It looks like someone put a football inside my skin! I've grown hoobloads since my last bump pic... unfortunately, so have my stretchmarks... but hey ho!
I've been meaning to blog about my stretchmarks for months and months but I haven't been able to pluck up the courage until now. I'm past caring about anything like that now though, so I'll take this opportunity to write about them. Yeah, they're fugly... but they exist and I have to deal with that. It's not like I ever used to show my belly or anything anyway! The picture actually makes the stretchies look a lot less bad than they actually are. They're literally all over my belly, all over my hips, right down my legs (almost down to my fucking ankles), probably on my butt and I'm pretty sure they go round to the bottom of my back too. I hate them, but I'm getting used to them. I guess blogging about them is better than hiding them for the rest of my life and being ashamed of them. =]
Anyhow... I can't believe the baby still isn't here! He was due on the 19th and it's now the 26th, almost the 27th! I've tried everything possible to get him out! I had a sweep last week, I've been walking A LOT (even up Bangor Bitch Hill), I've been bouncing on my exercise ball, bouncing on my trampoline, persuading my grandfather to drive down very bumpy roads, eating basil straight from the plant pot, drinking raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation (probs not enough though as I got bored and gave up after like a minute), jogging (well, attempting to), cleaning ceilings, asking nicely, eating spicy food (it's so hard to find spicy food that doesn't contain chilli), eating lots of pineapple and various other things! I've tried most things (apart from sex, as there's nobody to do that with) and nothing is working! I even gave in and tried castor oil this morning, which did absolutely nothing... I didn't even get diarrhoea! In fact, I haven't even had a shit all day... Castor oil is crap!
Talking of shit... I'm so worried that I wont poo by tomorrow! When doing internal examinations, midwives take note of whether or not your bowels are empty. Luckily last time they were, but if my bowels aren't empty I'm going to be so fucking embarrassed (I know that sounds silly, but I'm a silly person). I NEED to poop by then!
Tomorrow I have another sweep. The last one didn't work and I'm sure this one wont either, but I'm gonna go ahead with it anyway. I'll find out how things are going (effacement and dilation wise). I'm pretty certain I'm gonna end up being induced. I've given up hope of ever going into labour!
I keep getting pains. Sometimes they even have a pattern to them for a while... but then they just disappear! It's getting annoying because I keep getting my hopes up!
Anyhow... I might blog again later on... but I might not! Hoobletoodledoo!
I've been meaning to blog about my stretchmarks for months and months but I haven't been able to pluck up the courage until now. I'm past caring about anything like that now though, so I'll take this opportunity to write about them. Yeah, they're fugly... but they exist and I have to deal with that. It's not like I ever used to show my belly or anything anyway! The picture actually makes the stretchies look a lot less bad than they actually are. They're literally all over my belly, all over my hips, right down my legs (almost down to my fucking ankles), probably on my butt and I'm pretty sure they go round to the bottom of my back too. I hate them, but I'm getting used to them. I guess blogging about them is better than hiding them for the rest of my life and being ashamed of them. =]
Anyhow... I can't believe the baby still isn't here! He was due on the 19th and it's now the 26th, almost the 27th! I've tried everything possible to get him out! I had a sweep last week, I've been walking A LOT (even up Bangor Bitch Hill), I've been bouncing on my exercise ball, bouncing on my trampoline, persuading my grandfather to drive down very bumpy roads, eating basil straight from the plant pot, drinking raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation (probs not enough though as I got bored and gave up after like a minute), jogging (well, attempting to), cleaning ceilings, asking nicely, eating spicy food (it's so hard to find spicy food that doesn't contain chilli), eating lots of pineapple and various other things! I've tried most things (apart from sex, as there's nobody to do that with) and nothing is working! I even gave in and tried castor oil this morning, which did absolutely nothing... I didn't even get diarrhoea! In fact, I haven't even had a shit all day... Castor oil is crap!
Talking of shit... I'm so worried that I wont poo by tomorrow! When doing internal examinations, midwives take note of whether or not your bowels are empty. Luckily last time they were, but if my bowels aren't empty I'm going to be so fucking embarrassed (I know that sounds silly, but I'm a silly person). I NEED to poop by then!
Tomorrow I have another sweep. The last one didn't work and I'm sure this one wont either, but I'm gonna go ahead with it anyway. I'll find out how things are going (effacement and dilation wise). I'm pretty certain I'm gonna end up being induced. I've given up hope of ever going into labour!
I keep getting pains. Sometimes they even have a pattern to them for a while... but then they just disappear! It's getting annoying because I keep getting my hopes up!
Anyhow... I might blog again later on... but I might not! Hoobletoodledoo!
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Slight moan!
So yeah, I had a show on Tuesday evening . Since then I have had no more signs he is going to arrive any time soon! I'm even getting fewer niggley things than I have been getting. I think he's decided he is never going to come out!
I'm getting so fed up of being pregnant and it's put me in a really bad mood. I'm being a bitch to everyone even if they do even the slightest thing wrong. People don't deserve it. :/ I know it sounds stupid, but I kinda feel like a failure for not havinghim yet. My mum is apparently going to stay here until I've had him... I'm guessing she's gonna be here for a while.
I've been trying everything to get him out. The only things I haven't tried that I can think of are sex and castor oil. I think that if there's still no sign of imminent labour by tomorrow night I might try the castor oil even though I've heard bad things about it. I really don't dig the thought of a serious case of the shits, but if it'll get him out this week, it may be worth a try! :/
I'm getting so fed up of being pregnant and it's put me in a really bad mood. I'm being a bitch to everyone even if they do even the slightest thing wrong. People don't deserve it. :/ I know it sounds stupid, but I kinda feel like a failure for not havinghim yet. My mum is apparently going to stay here until I've had him... I'm guessing she's gonna be here for a while.
I've been trying everything to get him out. The only things I haven't tried that I can think of are sex and castor oil. I think that if there's still no sign of imminent labour by tomorrow night I might try the castor oil even though I've heard bad things about it. I really don't dig the thought of a serious case of the shits, but if it'll get him out this week, it may be worth a try! :/
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
About half an hour ago I went to the toilet. I did the whole checking my knickers for icky stuff thing I've been doing obsessively for months. Much to my disappointment, there was nothing there. I'd practically given up hope of ever having a show. I peed. I wiped and got the shock of my life. There was a show! Never before had I realized how immensely happy a bit of blood streaked mucous could make me. I just wasn't expecting It as my knickers were free from any ickyness. It was the happiest trip to the toilet of my life! I was so pleased I shouted to tell my grandmother (who almost had a heart attack because she thought I was hurt or something) and then I phoned my mum... And then I updated most places on the Internet with the good news. Gosh, it's so exciting.
I know it could still be a while before I have the baby, but at least now I know he's not going to stay in there forever! Things are finally starting!
I will keep this blog updated as much as possible.
I know it could still be a while before I have the baby, but at least now I know he's not going to stay in there forever! Things are finally starting!
I will keep this blog updated as much as possible.
I have now had a sweep. It was nowhere near ad bad as I thought it would be... The midwife didn't even look at my fanny or anything. I'd read that sweeps can be painful but it wasn't even slightly painful... It was a teeny weeny uncomfortable, but that was it! Apparently she managed to get quite a good sweep. It wasn't even completely mortifying like I expected it to be! Hopefully it'll help get things started... If it doesn't, I can have another sweep in like a week and if that fails, an induction onthe 29th... As both of those are too late to be convenient for me, I desperately hope the sweep works!
I'm not dilated yet, but I'm apparently about 50% effaced. My notes now say I have normal external genitalia and a normal vagina, which for some reason I find quite hilarious... Yay for having a normal flange! It's probably the only thing that's normal about me! I also have an anterior cervix... I can't remember what that means, but I think I was told that's a good thing. The midwife apparently felt the babys head and he's 3/5 engaged.
I still had some protein in my pee, but all is good as we know I have no infections or anything. My blood pressure was 117/70, which as normal is pretty good. The baby's heart rate is 138-149 so that is good.
So yes, HOPEFULLY he'll decide to arrive some time soon!
I'm not dilated yet, but I'm apparently about 50% effaced. My notes now say I have normal external genitalia and a normal vagina, which for some reason I find quite hilarious... Yay for having a normal flange! It's probably the only thing that's normal about me! I also have an anterior cervix... I can't remember what that means, but I think I was told that's a good thing. The midwife apparently felt the babys head and he's 3/5 engaged.
I still had some protein in my pee, but all is good as we know I have no infections or anything. My blood pressure was 117/70, which as normal is pretty good. The baby's heart rate is 138-149 so that is good.
So yes, HOPEFULLY he'll decide to arrive some time soon!
Monday, 19 October 2009
It's now 5am on October 20th. He's now officially 5 hours late and it's rather annoying.
I think I'm going to have a sweep today. It'll be rather embarrassing, but anything to get him out is worth a try! I have no idea what time the midwife is going to come, but I'll probably update my blog soon afterwards.
I've been having the occasional little niggle, but nothing different to what I've been experiencing for about a week now.
I'm pooping quite a lot recently... Maybe that's a sign he'll come soon... Or maybe youdont really wanna be Reading about my bowel habits!
I had heartburn tonight for the first time in about four nights... I thought I'd finally got over theheartburn, but apparently not!
I've been sitting on my exercise ball a lot today. It feels so comfortable at the moment!
Anyhow... I'm gonna go ... I shall update later!
I think I'm going to have a sweep today. It'll be rather embarrassing, but anything to get him out is worth a try! I have no idea what time the midwife is going to come, but I'll probably update my blog soon afterwards.
I've been having the occasional little niggle, but nothing different to what I've been experiencing for about a week now.
I'm pooping quite a lot recently... Maybe that's a sign he'll come soon... Or maybe youdont really wanna be Reading about my bowel habits!
I had heartburn tonight for the first time in about four nights... I thought I'd finally got over theheartburn, but apparently not!
I've been sitting on my exercise ball a lot today. It feels so comfortable at the moment!
Anyhow... I'm gonna go ... I shall update later!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
It's tomorrow!
He's due tomorrow... There's still no sign of impending labour...grrr!
Last night I even went on my little trampoline thing to try and get things started... It didn't work. I think I'll try again tonight though. I wish there was pineapple in the house. Pineapple is one of the only things I haven't tried yet... Unfortunately it's sunday and no shops are open so I can't go and buy some. Buying a pineapple will be the first thing I do tomorrow though. Gonna carry on trying to make labour happen, but I doubt it will.
I think I've been experiencing the nesting thing. On top of repeatedly rearranging the baby's clothes, I've found myself doing all sorts of things that are totally uncharacteristic of me. Yesterday morning I went on a cleaning spree and cleaned the ceiling, Walls, doors and everything. I even cleaned an entire door thing using cotton buds and mr muscle. I've even hoovered a few times.
I had to speak on the phone to the midwife earlier. I wouldn't usually do that, but I got tricked into answering the phone. It was terrifying and as usual I didn't know what to say and ended up making myself look quite stupid. But the midwife finally gave me the results of my blood and pee. There was no infection or anything in my pee so the protein is still a mystery, and despite being crap about taking my iron tablets, my haemoglobinz have gone up to like 11 or something which is rather hoobacious. As I haven't been taking iron tablets much, this is proof that vegetarian junk food diets aren't as bad for you as people make them out to be! XD
The midwife was going to come here on tuesday but now she can't, so it's going to be the other midwife I saw once before. I'm glad about that because if I do go ahead with the sweep, it's unlikely that I'll ever have to see this midwife ever again so it takes a teeny weeny bit of embarrassment away from it!
Oh and an update on my ladygarden: it's growing back all stubbly, so I think I'll have to attack it with hair removal cream or something tomorrow night ready for my sweep on Tuesday... Or just as soon as I go into labour if I'm lucky enough for that to happen before then! Gosh, it's so weird how I'm more worried about pubes than pain when it comes to labour stuff!
Last night I even went on my little trampoline thing to try and get things started... It didn't work. I think I'll try again tonight though. I wish there was pineapple in the house. Pineapple is one of the only things I haven't tried yet... Unfortunately it's sunday and no shops are open so I can't go and buy some. Buying a pineapple will be the first thing I do tomorrow though. Gonna carry on trying to make labour happen, but I doubt it will.
I think I've been experiencing the nesting thing. On top of repeatedly rearranging the baby's clothes, I've found myself doing all sorts of things that are totally uncharacteristic of me. Yesterday morning I went on a cleaning spree and cleaned the ceiling, Walls, doors and everything. I even cleaned an entire door thing using cotton buds and mr muscle. I've even hoovered a few times.
I had to speak on the phone to the midwife earlier. I wouldn't usually do that, but I got tricked into answering the phone. It was terrifying and as usual I didn't know what to say and ended up making myself look quite stupid. But the midwife finally gave me the results of my blood and pee. There was no infection or anything in my pee so the protein is still a mystery, and despite being crap about taking my iron tablets, my haemoglobinz have gone up to like 11 or something which is rather hoobacious. As I haven't been taking iron tablets much, this is proof that vegetarian junk food diets aren't as bad for you as people make them out to be! XD
The midwife was going to come here on tuesday but now she can't, so it's going to be the other midwife I saw once before. I'm glad about that because if I do go ahead with the sweep, it's unlikely that I'll ever have to see this midwife ever again so it takes a teeny weeny bit of embarrassment away from it!
Oh and an update on my ladygarden: it's growing back all stubbly, so I think I'll have to attack it with hair removal cream or something tomorrow night ready for my sweep on Tuesday... Or just as soon as I go into labour if I'm lucky enough for that to happen before then! Gosh, it's so weird how I'm more worried about pubes than pain when it comes to labour stuff!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Ways to speed it up
I know people say the baby will come when he's ready, but I need him out of me as soon as possible. After extensive research (well, googling and asking people) I have decided to use as many different ways to kick start labour as possible. Sex is not an option and I'd feel too weird sitting here stimulating my own nipples, but I'm gonna try pretty much everything else.
I plan to go on a longish walk or something this afternoon. When I get back I will clean the windows (not seen that method mentioned anywhere online but as both my grandmother and mother suggested it, I guess it's worth a try). I will drink more raspberry leaf tea (might help things along I suppose). I'm going to sit cross legged on the floor as much as possible (my auntie suggested it and she's had like a zillion kids so i'll take her word for it). I'll get my grandfather to drive along a dead bumpy road with me in the car (if that fails I'll just get on a bus to somewhere bumpy). I'll eat hoobloads of spicy food too. If none of those things work, I'll just start doing something I really want to do and finish... That should certainly ensure I go into labour.
I'm starting to think I'm not actually pregnant and I just have some sort of weird disease that makes me swell up.
If anyone has any suggestions of anything else I can do to help, please suggest. I need stuff to happen!
I plan to go on a longish walk or something this afternoon. When I get back I will clean the windows (not seen that method mentioned anywhere online but as both my grandmother and mother suggested it, I guess it's worth a try). I will drink more raspberry leaf tea (might help things along I suppose). I'm going to sit cross legged on the floor as much as possible (my auntie suggested it and she's had like a zillion kids so i'll take her word for it). I'll get my grandfather to drive along a dead bumpy road with me in the car (if that fails I'll just get on a bus to somewhere bumpy). I'll eat hoobloads of spicy food too. If none of those things work, I'll just start doing something I really want to do and finish... That should certainly ensure I go into labour.
I'm starting to think I'm not actually pregnant and I just have some sort of weird disease that makes me swell up.
If anyone has any suggestions of anything else I can do to help, please suggest. I need stuff to happen!
Friday, 16 October 2009
Hurry up!
Oh my god. I am literally willing to do anything for the baby to be born before Tuesday. If he's not here by Tuesday I'm going to have to have a sweep because I need him to be born as soon as possible. I am moving into my flat thing on November 1st and would quite like some time to adjust to the baby and stuff so that when I'm all alone I actually know what to do with him! On top of that, my grandmother got told she can have the operation she's been waiting a long time for on the 25th. She really wants to be there for the birth and I want her to be there too. So I need him to be born in the next week, so a sweep seems like the only option as I'm pretty sure he's going to stay put until after the due date (which is on Monday). I really don't want anyoneputting their fingers up my flange until I'm actually in labour, but I have a feeling it's going to have to happen. Not fair at all. I need to find a way to make him arrive by Tuesday!
I've decided I can't keep names secret for any longer. I'm going to have to tell you the ones I'm considering most at the moment. I have no will power whatsoever LOL. PLEASE DONT COMMENT ON THE NAMES. I don't want to know which one anyone prefers or anything like that. I'm going to look at him when he's born and see which name I think he should be called. I'm pretty sure I'm going to call him either Zebediah (shortened to zeb) or Isaac (shortened to ike). :)
Anyhow, I'm gonna go ponder ways to get this baby outta me! Bye!
I've decided I can't keep names secret for any longer. I'm going to have to tell you the ones I'm considering most at the moment. I have no will power whatsoever LOL. PLEASE DONT COMMENT ON THE NAMES. I don't want to know which one anyone prefers or anything like that. I'm going to look at him when he's born and see which name I think he should be called. I'm pretty sure I'm going to call him either Zebediah (shortened to zeb) or Isaac (shortened to ike). :)
Anyhow, I'm gonna go ponder ways to get this baby outta me! Bye!
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
I am now 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant. The baby is due in SIX DAYS! I had a midwife appointment today.
The midwife couldn't give me the results of my blood or urine stuff because the computers weren't working... but she will phone me tomorrow and tell me shizz.
There was still protein in my pee today... Not as much as there was last time though. My blood pressure was 120/65. Fundal height was 39... So it once again corresponds with how many weeks pregnant I am. He's still 3/5ths engaged and his heart thingy was 135-147.
The midwife said I could have a sweep on my due date if I want, but then she realised she wasn't working on the 19th... So I can have a sweep on the 20th if I want one. I'm going to ponder it. If I do go until next week, I'll be super fed-up of being pregnant and stuff... but it seems like a little too much unnecessary fiddling with my flange as I could just wait to be induced. I shall ponder though! Hopefully I'll go into labour before I have to decide about sweepageness!
In other news, I messed up completely with hair removal cream and ended up having to shave off all my pubic hair. It wasn't the smoothest of shaves and my poor fanny is a little itchy and whatnot as a result. I just hope there are no ingrown hairs or any spots or anything down there. If there are and I have to give birth, it'll be bloody embarrassing!
The midwife couldn't give me the results of my blood or urine stuff because the computers weren't working... but she will phone me tomorrow and tell me shizz.
There was still protein in my pee today... Not as much as there was last time though. My blood pressure was 120/65. Fundal height was 39... So it once again corresponds with how many weeks pregnant I am. He's still 3/5ths engaged and his heart thingy was 135-147.
The midwife said I could have a sweep on my due date if I want, but then she realised she wasn't working on the 19th... So I can have a sweep on the 20th if I want one. I'm going to ponder it. If I do go until next week, I'll be super fed-up of being pregnant and stuff... but it seems like a little too much unnecessary fiddling with my flange as I could just wait to be induced. I shall ponder though! Hopefully I'll go into labour before I have to decide about sweepageness!
In other news, I messed up completely with hair removal cream and ended up having to shave off all my pubic hair. It wasn't the smoothest of shaves and my poor fanny is a little itchy and whatnot as a result. I just hope there are no ingrown hairs or any spots or anything down there. If there are and I have to give birth, it'll be bloody embarrassing!
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Midwife and stuff
I just had a rather annoying midwife appointment. >.<
I peed on the stick like I usually do. For once, I actually needed to pee when I did it, so it was easier than it usually is. There was apparently quite a lot of protein in my urine... So I have to pee in a stupid little thingy tomorrow. I hate that I keep having to do that (well, it's only the second time I've had to... but mooo- last time I peed on my hand). >.<
Then it was blood stealage time. It failed. After spending ages trying to find a vein, she finally put the needley thing into my arm. I thought it meant she'd be able to steal some, but I was wrong. Not even a single drop of blood came out of my arm. Twas immensely annoying because I now have to go to the hospital tomorrow to get my blood stolen. I hate hospitals and was hoping I wouldn't have to go there again until I was actually in labour! >.< Meep, might be a good thing she didn't manage to steal my blood though as I keep forgetting to take my iron tablets.
My blood pressure was 115/75, which is slightly higher than my blood pressure usually is, but not high enough to be worrying.
Fundal height was 39cm. Rather annoying as I have a feeling he's gonna be quite big. Not abnormally big, but I'm guessing at least 8lbs or something... I might be wrong, but I really do have a feeling he's gonna be big considering that on the fundus chart thing on the back of my notes, it says it's in the 80th percentile. =/ He's nice and healthy though as his heart thing was 140-160.
I'm losing hope of him coming before he's due. He's only 1 more 5th engaged than he was two weeks ago (2/5 palpable). I know that how engaged they are isn't really a good indicator of when they're going to arrive, but it would have been nice to know he was more than 3/5 engaged. I am very fed up of being pregnant and I just wanna meet the little dude! >.<
Anyhow... Yesterday I bought a baby name book. I don't particularly need to add any more names onto my list and I *did* get a baby name book free with a magazine last week... but I bought it anyway even though my grandmother tried to talk me out of it. It was a total waste of £7, but it's quite a good book so hey ho! XD
I neeeeeeeeed to not be pregnant anymore. I hate waking up every 1-2 hours during the night to pee. I hate getting heartburn so much. I hate all the little pains. I hate the backache. AND I FUCKING LOATHE THE STRETCHMARKS! ::)
So yeah, hoobletoodledoo!
I peed on the stick like I usually do. For once, I actually needed to pee when I did it, so it was easier than it usually is. There was apparently quite a lot of protein in my urine... So I have to pee in a stupid little thingy tomorrow. I hate that I keep having to do that (well, it's only the second time I've had to... but mooo- last time I peed on my hand). >.<
Then it was blood stealage time. It failed. After spending ages trying to find a vein, she finally put the needley thing into my arm. I thought it meant she'd be able to steal some, but I was wrong. Not even a single drop of blood came out of my arm. Twas immensely annoying because I now have to go to the hospital tomorrow to get my blood stolen. I hate hospitals and was hoping I wouldn't have to go there again until I was actually in labour! >.< Meep, might be a good thing she didn't manage to steal my blood though as I keep forgetting to take my iron tablets.
My blood pressure was 115/75, which is slightly higher than my blood pressure usually is, but not high enough to be worrying.
Fundal height was 39cm. Rather annoying as I have a feeling he's gonna be quite big. Not abnormally big, but I'm guessing at least 8lbs or something... I might be wrong, but I really do have a feeling he's gonna be big considering that on the fundus chart thing on the back of my notes, it says it's in the 80th percentile. =/ He's nice and healthy though as his heart thing was 140-160.
I'm losing hope of him coming before he's due. He's only 1 more 5th engaged than he was two weeks ago (2/5 palpable). I know that how engaged they are isn't really a good indicator of when they're going to arrive, but it would have been nice to know he was more than 3/5 engaged. I am very fed up of being pregnant and I just wanna meet the little dude! >.<
Anyhow... Yesterday I bought a baby name book. I don't particularly need to add any more names onto my list and I *did* get a baby name book free with a magazine last week... but I bought it anyway even though my grandmother tried to talk me out of it. It was a total waste of £7, but it's quite a good book so hey ho! XD
I neeeeeeeeed to not be pregnant anymore. I hate waking up every 1-2 hours during the night to pee. I hate getting heartburn so much. I hate all the little pains. I hate the backache. AND I FUCKING LOATHE THE STRETCHMARKS! ::)
So yeah, hoobletoodledoo!
Monday, 5 October 2009
Pains, tea and dreams...
I've been having lots of weird niggles, twinges and pains today. A few different kinds of pain. It makes me wonder how many days I have left. He could be born at any time in the next 23 days.
One kind of pain only happens occasionally when I'm walking, getting up off the sofa or changing position in bed... It's kind of like someone has kicked me in the fanny and butt-type-area and it feels like it's bruised. That never lasts long though, just when I move in awkward ways.
Another kind of pain is like someone is pinching my cervix or something pretty hard. It's not very nice at all and hurts like fuck. That only happens when the baby is moving though.
I've also had a dull kind of backache which is different from the backache I've generally been getting. It's accompanied by a period-like kind of pain. I've never really had exceedingly painful periods, but whenever I have had any form of period pain, it's felt like this. The backache and periodishness unnerves me a bit as it sounds like the kind of pain I've been told is a sign of going into labour. The pains aren't too bad yet though and I haven't noticed a pattern to them, so I'm definitely not in labour yet! XD Maybe it's the start of things though!
I finally plucked up the courage to try my raspberry leaf tea a couple of hours ago. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. It wasn't the nicest kind of tea I've ever had, but it was drinkable!
I had a dream last night. I was in some book store with my mum, my half-brother and the squigglytiddlypeep (who was somehow the same age as the half-brother who was still the same age as he is now). The squigglytiddlypeep asked me why he didn't have a name like everyone else. I told him it was because I couldn't think of one for him and asked him what he would like to be called. He decided he would like to be called [insert the awesome name that's currently on the top of my possible names list but everyone else finds weird]. I told him that [the name] could be his name and his middle name could be [the name that I've wanted to use as a middle name ever since I started pondering names] but he had a tantrum because he didn't like the middle name.
Maybe the dream is an indicator of what I should call him...
Anyhow... I'm gonna go watch American Dad or something. Gosh, I can't believe there's only 13 days until the due date... Hoobletoodledoo!
One kind of pain only happens occasionally when I'm walking, getting up off the sofa or changing position in bed... It's kind of like someone has kicked me in the fanny and butt-type-area and it feels like it's bruised. That never lasts long though, just when I move in awkward ways.
Another kind of pain is like someone is pinching my cervix or something pretty hard. It's not very nice at all and hurts like fuck. That only happens when the baby is moving though.
I've also had a dull kind of backache which is different from the backache I've generally been getting. It's accompanied by a period-like kind of pain. I've never really had exceedingly painful periods, but whenever I have had any form of period pain, it's felt like this. The backache and periodishness unnerves me a bit as it sounds like the kind of pain I've been told is a sign of going into labour. The pains aren't too bad yet though and I haven't noticed a pattern to them, so I'm definitely not in labour yet! XD Maybe it's the start of things though!
I finally plucked up the courage to try my raspberry leaf tea a couple of hours ago. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. It wasn't the nicest kind of tea I've ever had, but it was drinkable!
I had a dream last night. I was in some book store with my mum, my half-brother and the squigglytiddlypeep (who was somehow the same age as the half-brother who was still the same age as he is now). The squigglytiddlypeep asked me why he didn't have a name like everyone else. I told him it was because I couldn't think of one for him and asked him what he would like to be called. He decided he would like to be called [insert the awesome name that's currently on the top of my possible names list but everyone else finds weird]. I told him that [the name] could be his name and his middle name could be [the name that I've wanted to use as a middle name ever since I started pondering names] but he had a tantrum because he didn't like the middle name.
Maybe the dream is an indicator of what I should call him...
Anyhow... I'm gonna go watch American Dad or something. Gosh, I can't believe there's only 13 days until the due date... Hoobletoodledoo!
Saturday, 3 October 2009
I just got shown around the labour ward and stuff. It made me want to have to give birth in the hospital even less than I already did. It's horrible there. The only place out of everywhere I was shown that was vaguely ok was the operating theatre and hopefully I wont need to go in there! The rooms had been described to me as 'homely'... Yeah right! I'd feel more at home in like... a convent or somewhere equally unappealing to me! XD
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to go there some time in the next few weeks. I'm just going to have to put up with it. =/
I think I've pulled one of my intercostal muscles. It's fucking painful and makes it a lot harder to move than general pregnantness already does. Moving around gets harder and harder every day. I even find it exceedingly difficult to put on my shoes these days.
I've had some raspberry leaf tea lying around for a couple of weeks now. I might try some later... I've heard it's vile though, so I'm not going to try it until I'm feeling particularly daring.
Blah, blah, blahh, waffle, waffle, moo. My back is fucking killing me.
I just want the baby to come soon. I don't want to have to wait until the due date (which is in 16 days). I'm fed up of being pregnant and want to get the whole birth thing out of the way so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Anyhows, hoobletoodledoo.
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to go there some time in the next few weeks. I'm just going to have to put up with it. =/
I think I've pulled one of my intercostal muscles. It's fucking painful and makes it a lot harder to move than general pregnantness already does. Moving around gets harder and harder every day. I even find it exceedingly difficult to put on my shoes these days.
I've had some raspberry leaf tea lying around for a couple of weeks now. I might try some later... I've heard it's vile though, so I'm not going to try it until I'm feeling particularly daring.
Blah, blah, blahh, waffle, waffle, moo. My back is fucking killing me.
I just want the baby to come soon. I don't want to have to wait until the due date (which is in 16 days). I'm fed up of being pregnant and want to get the whole birth thing out of the way so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Anyhows, hoobletoodledoo.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
It's October!
OHMYGOD! It's finally October... So eepyayyyfuckgollycrappycrapwowza=]o_O to that! XD I will have to have a baby by the end of the month. Well, by the 29th anyway as they wont let me go more than 10 days over the due date. The baby could decide to arrive at any time now! I hope he comes before the 19th, but not until at least next week. It'd be pretty awesome if he was born on the 11th because then his date of birth would be 11/10/09.
People keep nagging me about getting my hospital bag packed. I now have most things I need to put in the bag (maternity towels, stuff to wear whilst giving birth, nappies, etc.) BUT I have a slight problem... I HAVE NO BAG! I can't find a suitably sized one that I actually like anywhere! I am going to try Matalan today and if I can't find one there, I'm screwed!
I think I have it narrowed down to four names. What I think is my favourite out of the four names would probably be classed as a weird name by most people, but it's not like a made up name or anything... it is one of those names that people will inevitably be bitchy about. It's quite long too... Not quite as long as Charlotte, but it seems longer because it has four syllables. Gosh, I love the name though. I just can't decide whether or not naming him it would be a good thing. Hmmm... Ponder, ponder, ponder! XD
People keep nagging me about getting my hospital bag packed. I now have most things I need to put in the bag (maternity towels, stuff to wear whilst giving birth, nappies, etc.) BUT I have a slight problem... I HAVE NO BAG! I can't find a suitably sized one that I actually like anywhere! I am going to try Matalan today and if I can't find one there, I'm screwed!
I think I have it narrowed down to four names. What I think is my favourite out of the four names would probably be classed as a weird name by most people, but it's not like a made up name or anything... it is one of those names that people will inevitably be bitchy about. It's quite long too... Not quite as long as Charlotte, but it seems longer because it has four syllables. Gosh, I love the name though. I just can't decide whether or not naming him it would be a good thing. Hmmm... Ponder, ponder, ponder! XD
Monday, 28 September 2009
birth plan and stuff
Midwife came to discuss my birth plan and what to expect during labour and stuff today. I've been freaking out about everything recently and today just made me freak out a lot more. I'm still undecided on pretty much everything. So far, all I'm really sure about is the fact that I'd rather not give birth! The midwife had a fake boob though, so it was slightly amusing.
I really don't like the thought of breastfeeding, but I want what is best for the baby. I was totally undecided about how I want to feed the baby, but after a lot of pondering today I think I've come to a semi-decision! I think I'm going to use one of those breast pump things to get milk out of me and feed that milk to the baby from a bottle for the first week or so (or maybe a bit longer if that seems to be going well) and then switch to normal bottle feeding... That way he'll get all the antibodies and stuff from the boob juice, but I wont have to actually have a baby sucking on my nipples. Also, the transition from nipple to bottle will be easier for him because he wont have had time to get used to sucking on a nipple anyway! I'm not sure whether what I plan on doing counts as breast feeding or bottle feeding as it's breast milk from a bottle lol! Heh, the midwife was telling me shizz about breastfeeding today and she had two really creepy looking dolls and a fake boob. It was hilarious.
Interesting fact of the day: If you put a newborn baby on your chest, they'll kind of crawl to the boob on their own... How clever! Apparently they can smell the milk or something.
That must be true because the midwife told me!
I'm undecided on pain relief. Not one type of pain relief sounds appealing when taking into consideration the side effects and what it does to your body. I don't like the idea of my legs being all numb and unusable... I'm pretty sure I'll try to avoid an epidural under any circumstances. I don't want to feel out of control or anything either. I think I'm just going to try gas and air and if that isn't good enough, I'll just have something stronger. Even gas and air sounds unappealing, but meep... I'm guessing it'll be better than having no pain relief! If only I could get absolutely wasted in my own way during labour... XD
They prefer you to stay in hospital over night if it's your first baby... but there is a thing where you can go home after 6 hours if everything goes ok. Unless there's a good reason to stay overnight (like if there was something wrong with me or the baby) I am going to refuse to stay there for more than about 6 hours. I hate hospitals. On Saturday the midwife is going to meet me in the hospital and show me the labour ward. I don't particularly want to see it, but apparently it's a good idea. =/
I'm going to make a CD to listen to when I'm in labour and stuff. I'd just take a few CDs with me, but I'd be worried about what songs might come on. I certainly don't want the squigglytiddlypeep to be born to a song about fucking a dog, disembowelment or something equally unsuitable! I'm going to have to ponder a lot over what songs I want to use.
I got given a dvd to watch... I'm not sure whether I want to watch it as I dread to think about what could be on it! Maybe I should get someone else to watch it before me to tell me exactly what it shows... Or maybe I'll just be brave!
Erk... out of all the things to do with giving birth there are to worry about, the one that bothers me most is people seeing my fanny and stuff. I know... it sounds stupid! I'm also worried about pooing. Apparently it's quite rare to poo whilst having a baby, but it happens... and even though they're discreet about it, it would be fucking embarrassing! On top of the embarrassing things, I'm obviously worried that something bad will happen to either me or the baby... but gosh, most people say that you're too much in pain and wanting to get the baby out to be embarrassed about people seeing that area, but I know that no matter how much pain I'm in, I'm gonna be totally mortified!
Labour is a looonnngggg process. I wish it could just last a few minutes or something. It doesn't sound nice at all, but I suppose I'll have to come to terms with the fact that I have no choice about it happening! I hope they don't have to induce me or anything. They wont let me go more than 10 days over the due date, so fingers crossed he comes before October 29th!
People keep nagging me to get my hospital bag packed. I don't even have a bag to put things in yet! I think I'm going to go shopping today or tomorrow to get stuff I need.
Anyhow... I'm gonna go watch a dvd or something. I've been so tired and lazy in the last couple of days and I don't know why because I've been making an effort to take my iron tablets and I've had hoobloads of rest. I'm also getting a really dull ache in the bottom of my back occasionally. It's different to the backache I've been getting for months... maybe it's a sign the baby is going to come soon. I've been told he could come at any time now that I'm 37 weeks pregnant... It's slightly unnerving! XD
I really don't like the thought of breastfeeding, but I want what is best for the baby. I was totally undecided about how I want to feed the baby, but after a lot of pondering today I think I've come to a semi-decision! I think I'm going to use one of those breast pump things to get milk out of me and feed that milk to the baby from a bottle for the first week or so (or maybe a bit longer if that seems to be going well) and then switch to normal bottle feeding... That way he'll get all the antibodies and stuff from the boob juice, but I wont have to actually have a baby sucking on my nipples. Also, the transition from nipple to bottle will be easier for him because he wont have had time to get used to sucking on a nipple anyway! I'm not sure whether what I plan on doing counts as breast feeding or bottle feeding as it's breast milk from a bottle lol! Heh, the midwife was telling me shizz about breastfeeding today and she had two really creepy looking dolls and a fake boob. It was hilarious.
Interesting fact of the day: If you put a newborn baby on your chest, they'll kind of crawl to the boob on their own... How clever! Apparently they can smell the milk or something.
That must be true because the midwife told me!
I'm undecided on pain relief. Not one type of pain relief sounds appealing when taking into consideration the side effects and what it does to your body. I don't like the idea of my legs being all numb and unusable... I'm pretty sure I'll try to avoid an epidural under any circumstances. I don't want to feel out of control or anything either. I think I'm just going to try gas and air and if that isn't good enough, I'll just have something stronger. Even gas and air sounds unappealing, but meep... I'm guessing it'll be better than having no pain relief! If only I could get absolutely wasted in my own way during labour... XD
They prefer you to stay in hospital over night if it's your first baby... but there is a thing where you can go home after 6 hours if everything goes ok. Unless there's a good reason to stay overnight (like if there was something wrong with me or the baby) I am going to refuse to stay there for more than about 6 hours. I hate hospitals. On Saturday the midwife is going to meet me in the hospital and show me the labour ward. I don't particularly want to see it, but apparently it's a good idea. =/
I'm going to make a CD to listen to when I'm in labour and stuff. I'd just take a few CDs with me, but I'd be worried about what songs might come on. I certainly don't want the squigglytiddlypeep to be born to a song about fucking a dog, disembowelment or something equally unsuitable! I'm going to have to ponder a lot over what songs I want to use.
I got given a dvd to watch... I'm not sure whether I want to watch it as I dread to think about what could be on it! Maybe I should get someone else to watch it before me to tell me exactly what it shows... Or maybe I'll just be brave!
Erk... out of all the things to do with giving birth there are to worry about, the one that bothers me most is people seeing my fanny and stuff. I know... it sounds stupid! I'm also worried about pooing. Apparently it's quite rare to poo whilst having a baby, but it happens... and even though they're discreet about it, it would be fucking embarrassing! On top of the embarrassing things, I'm obviously worried that something bad will happen to either me or the baby... but gosh, most people say that you're too much in pain and wanting to get the baby out to be embarrassed about people seeing that area, but I know that no matter how much pain I'm in, I'm gonna be totally mortified!
Labour is a looonnngggg process. I wish it could just last a few minutes or something. It doesn't sound nice at all, but I suppose I'll have to come to terms with the fact that I have no choice about it happening! I hope they don't have to induce me or anything. They wont let me go more than 10 days over the due date, so fingers crossed he comes before October 29th!
People keep nagging me to get my hospital bag packed. I don't even have a bag to put things in yet! I think I'm going to go shopping today or tomorrow to get stuff I need.
Anyhow... I'm gonna go watch a dvd or something. I've been so tired and lazy in the last couple of days and I don't know why because I've been making an effort to take my iron tablets and I've had hoobloads of rest. I'm also getting a really dull ache in the bottom of my back occasionally. It's different to the backache I've been getting for months... maybe it's a sign the baby is going to come soon. I've been told he could come at any time now that I'm 37 weeks pregnant... It's slightly unnerving! XD
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Midwifeyness and shopping,
Had a midwife appointment today. Everything was fine... Apart from the fact that it was all different and I hate things being different to how I expect them to be. First I had to use a different door to get in... Then it was in a different room... And then there was a student midwife there too... but meep... here's all the info about shizz today:
Blood pressure: 110/60
Fundal height: 37cm
Presentation: Ceph 3/5 ... So a little bit further down than last time.
Baby's heart thing: 135-145
Urine: Trace of blood... but that's apparently pretty normal at this stage. Midwife suggested drinking cranberry juice-hell no! Not unless it has vodka in it! XD Water will do!
Midwife is coming to the house on Monday to do birth plannage... Then I have another midwife appointment on October 8th.
Anyhow... Yesterday I went shopping and it was immensely productive!
I finally ordered my pram! It should apparently arrive by Tuesday! I got the Quinny Buzz (the 3 wheeler one) in iron. I haven't seen it in iron in real life, but it looks nice in pictures. I've seen the dreami thing in iron though and it's the only dreami I actually like. I ordered the actual pushchair and the dreami yesterday. I couldn't order the car seat (which is the PERFECT car seat) in mothercare for another 4-8 weeks or something, but the dude in halfords is gonna try and order it. It's so perfect it's unavailable in most places at the moment. It doesn't really matter though because I have the crappy car seat my mum gave me, so I can use that until I get the prettyful one. =]
I also bought one of those chair thingys that babies sit in that bounce and vibrate and have dangly bits and stuff. It's hoobacious. It's all froggy and turtleyyyfied! =D
Aaannndddd... I got some blue moses basket sheets... So now I think I have all the things I actually need for when the baby is born... Apart from like nappies and dummies and stuff! I just hope I don't go into labour before tuesday! XD
Blood pressure: 110/60
Fundal height: 37cm
Presentation: Ceph 3/5 ... So a little bit further down than last time.
Baby's heart thing: 135-145
Urine: Trace of blood... but that's apparently pretty normal at this stage. Midwife suggested drinking cranberry juice-hell no! Not unless it has vodka in it! XD Water will do!
Midwife is coming to the house on Monday to do birth plannage... Then I have another midwife appointment on October 8th.
Anyhow... Yesterday I went shopping and it was immensely productive!
I finally ordered my pram! It should apparently arrive by Tuesday! I got the Quinny Buzz (the 3 wheeler one) in iron. I haven't seen it in iron in real life, but it looks nice in pictures. I've seen the dreami thing in iron though and it's the only dreami I actually like. I ordered the actual pushchair and the dreami yesterday. I couldn't order the car seat (which is the PERFECT car seat) in mothercare for another 4-8 weeks or something, but the dude in halfords is gonna try and order it. It's so perfect it's unavailable in most places at the moment. It doesn't really matter though because I have the crappy car seat my mum gave me, so I can use that until I get the prettyful one. =]
I also bought one of those chair thingys that babies sit in that bounce and vibrate and have dangly bits and stuff. It's hoobacious. It's all froggy and turtleyyyfied! =D
Aaannndddd... I got some blue moses basket sheets... So now I think I have all the things I actually need for when the baby is born... Apart from like nappies and dummies and stuff! I just hope I don't go into labour before tuesday! XD
blood pressure,
Monday, 21 September 2009
Wow... Less than a month left... 27 days actually as it's now September 22nd! I think I need to update this as I've been neglecting it once again lol!
I was slightly unnerved because a few hours ago I described a pain-type-thing I had to my grandmother. She said it sounded like a contraction and to tell her if I had another one. I was all like 'ohmyfuckinggod'. Luckily I haven't had another one. It's now a few hours later, so I'm probably not in labour or anything! If I was, I'd be totally screwed as I still don't have the stuff I need! XD
I was in Mothercare earlier. An overly talkative person that worked there decided to come and talk to me. She asked me how long there was until the baby was due and some shizz about pushchairs and stuff. The look on her face when I told her I only had 4 weeks left and still hadn't even decided on a pushchair was hilarious! I really do need to make decisions though lol! I went shopping with the intention of buying something big for the baby (either a bouncer thing or pram) and ended up coming back with some scratch mittens I spent £2.50 on and a few cds and dvds from HMV... So I ended up spending £30 on me instead... oops. =/
Last week in Manchester, my mother had been explaining to my two year old half-brother that I had a baby in my tummy. We thought he finally vaguely understood until he asked me to take it out so he could see it. If only my belly had a zip or a window!
I had a pretty huge freak out about having a baby a few days ago. I was all like 'ohmygodidon'twannahaveababy... blablablaahhh' and felt superly-megaly evil for thinking that stuff. I spoke to both my grandmother and mother about it and apparently it's normal to think shizz like that and my mother even thought that shizz once or twice when she was pregnant with H (who was actually planned)! Made me feel a lot better about the freak out. I'm pretty much over thinking that shizz now though. I think it was only because all of a sudden there's only a few weeks left, I've had a visit from the health visitor and I actually have to start frantically buying things rather than just flicking through catalogues and looking at stuff! I've also started thinking about the actual baby and stuff (yeah, it hadn't really dawned on me until recently that I was actually going to have to look after a baby)... There are constant reminders everywhere that I'm pregnant and it seemed like I couldn't escape from it or anything. I was pretty overwhelmed with everything and stuff... I found it scary how having a few shameful thoughts and being overwhelmed can affect other areas of my life so much. I'm getting used to everything now though and as I'm no longer freaking out, I just want to get everything sorted quickly and for him to be born soon! I'm so fed up of being pregnant and I just want to meet the squigglytiddlypeep! =D
I thought I'd settled on a name yesterday... Turns out I haven't. My list is very narrowed down though. Not gonna say what the possible names are though, as I'm still doing the whole not telling people names I'm pondering thing.
I'm still peeing a zillion times a night and still getting heartburn. I also never seem to be hungry anymore (I'm guessing that's pregnancy related). I keep getting lots of random twinges and pains and stuff too... and lots of backache and not being able to get comfortableness. Meep, I wish I had some interesting symptoms to report! XD
But yes, I am now 36 weeks pregnant and have nothing more to say so hoobletoodledoooo!
I was slightly unnerved because a few hours ago I described a pain-type-thing I had to my grandmother. She said it sounded like a contraction and to tell her if I had another one. I was all like 'ohmyfuckinggod'. Luckily I haven't had another one. It's now a few hours later, so I'm probably not in labour or anything! If I was, I'd be totally screwed as I still don't have the stuff I need! XD
I was in Mothercare earlier. An overly talkative person that worked there decided to come and talk to me. She asked me how long there was until the baby was due and some shizz about pushchairs and stuff. The look on her face when I told her I only had 4 weeks left and still hadn't even decided on a pushchair was hilarious! I really do need to make decisions though lol! I went shopping with the intention of buying something big for the baby (either a bouncer thing or pram) and ended up coming back with some scratch mittens I spent £2.50 on and a few cds and dvds from HMV... So I ended up spending £30 on me instead... oops. =/
Last week in Manchester, my mother had been explaining to my two year old half-brother that I had a baby in my tummy. We thought he finally vaguely understood until he asked me to take it out so he could see it. If only my belly had a zip or a window!
I had a pretty huge freak out about having a baby a few days ago. I was all like 'ohmygodidon'twannahaveababy... blablablaahhh' and felt superly-megaly evil for thinking that stuff. I spoke to both my grandmother and mother about it and apparently it's normal to think shizz like that and my mother even thought that shizz once or twice when she was pregnant with H (who was actually planned)! Made me feel a lot better about the freak out. I'm pretty much over thinking that shizz now though. I think it was only because all of a sudden there's only a few weeks left, I've had a visit from the health visitor and I actually have to start frantically buying things rather than just flicking through catalogues and looking at stuff! I've also started thinking about the actual baby and stuff (yeah, it hadn't really dawned on me until recently that I was actually going to have to look after a baby)... There are constant reminders everywhere that I'm pregnant and it seemed like I couldn't escape from it or anything. I was pretty overwhelmed with everything and stuff... I found it scary how having a few shameful thoughts and being overwhelmed can affect other areas of my life so much. I'm getting used to everything now though and as I'm no longer freaking out, I just want to get everything sorted quickly and for him to be born soon! I'm so fed up of being pregnant and I just want to meet the squigglytiddlypeep! =D
I thought I'd settled on a name yesterday... Turns out I haven't. My list is very narrowed down though. Not gonna say what the possible names are though, as I'm still doing the whole not telling people names I'm pondering thing.
I'm still peeing a zillion times a night and still getting heartburn. I also never seem to be hungry anymore (I'm guessing that's pregnancy related). I keep getting lots of random twinges and pains and stuff too... and lots of backache and not being able to get comfortableness. Meep, I wish I had some interesting symptoms to report! XD
But yes, I am now 36 weeks pregnant and have nothing more to say so hoobletoodledoooo!
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Something in the water?
I woke up just over half an hour ago and couldn't get back to sleep. I had intended to get as much sleep as I could fit in before I left the house, but that isn't going to happen. I have just over an hour to kill before I need to leave, so I guess I'll just blog about shizz!
Ever since I found out I was pregnant, loads of people I know seem to be getting pregnant. My auntie found out she was pregnant just after I did (although she had a miscarriage), then I found out my cousin* was pregnant (she was further along than me, but I didn't know she was when I found out), then my mother's husband's sister had a baby, then my cousin's girlfriend got pregnant and now his brother's girlfriend is too... oh, and I have another cousin who's girlfriend is pregnant!
So yes, it leads me to believe that everyone is copying me. Well, obviously not the people who got pregnant before me, but I can't have been copying them because I didn't know.The weird thing is that most people who I know are pregnant are around my age (18 +/- 1). Yeah, a few of the people are in their late 20s or 30s, but the majority are around my age. I actually can't think of one person who I'm related to that is around 18 that hasn't recently had a baby or found out about pregnantness. It just seems really weird. Usually it's only older people I hear about that have had babies. A couple of people I was in college with back in 2007 have had babies too! Definitely something in the water (which is how my grandmother put it when we talked about it).
Along with there being a weird amount of people I know being pregnant, I keep seeing more pregnant people when I'm shopping and stuff. I'm probably not seeing more of them, just noticing them more now! There definitely seems to be some sort of mass-pregnancy thing going on though... hmm...
Anyhow, I'm gonna go take my iron tablet (which I've been told would probably make me constipated, but nopes- I'm pooing a normal amount!), work out what to wear, get changed, brush my teeth, feed the fish, degus, gerbils and hamster and go to Manchesterland to embark upon my baby-related-shoppingy mission! Goodbye!
*when I say cousin, I mean like 2nd cousins and whatnot.
Ever since I found out I was pregnant, loads of people I know seem to be getting pregnant. My auntie found out she was pregnant just after I did (although she had a miscarriage), then I found out my cousin* was pregnant (she was further along than me, but I didn't know she was when I found out), then my mother's husband's sister had a baby, then my cousin's girlfriend got pregnant and now his brother's girlfriend is too... oh, and I have another cousin who's girlfriend is pregnant!
So yes, it leads me to believe that everyone is copying me. Well, obviously not the people who got pregnant before me, but I can't have been copying them because I didn't know.The weird thing is that most people who I know are pregnant are around my age (18 +/- 1). Yeah, a few of the people are in their late 20s or 30s, but the majority are around my age. I actually can't think of one person who I'm related to that is around 18 that hasn't recently had a baby or found out about pregnantness. It just seems really weird. Usually it's only older people I hear about that have had babies. A couple of people I was in college with back in 2007 have had babies too! Definitely something in the water (which is how my grandmother put it when we talked about it).
Along with there being a weird amount of people I know being pregnant, I keep seeing more pregnant people when I'm shopping and stuff. I'm probably not seeing more of them, just noticing them more now! There definitely seems to be some sort of mass-pregnancy thing going on though... hmm...
Anyhow, I'm gonna go take my iron tablet (which I've been told would probably make me constipated, but nopes- I'm pooing a normal amount!), work out what to wear, get changed, brush my teeth, feed the fish, degus, gerbils and hamster and go to Manchesterland to embark upon my baby-related-shoppingy mission! Goodbye!
*when I say cousin, I mean like 2nd cousins and whatnot.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Oops. It seems I have once again been neglecting this blog. I will try to write lots in it though as I'm not going to be pregnant for much longer. The baby is due in 4 weeks and 6 days. I'm not sure whether that sounds longer than 34 days or not, but whichever way I say it it's really not that far away!
My belly is currently jumping around hoobloads. I've been meaning to take a photo of my belly doing this for at least 10 weeks now, but it's impossible. Every time a camera is pointed at it or someone apart from me looks at it, he suddenly stops moving. I'm not going to bother going to the other side of my room to get my camera as I know that a video of my belly moving is inevitably not going to happen! XD
Every time he moves tonight, it hurts. He's being pretty evil! I think his head is pushing more down and it feels as though he's occasionally kicking my rectum or something. It's not a nice feeling! I keep getting lots of pain in the hard to describe bit somewhere between my belly and my fanny. It's like he's trying to headbutt his way out of me or something. I have a feeling the next five weeks are not going to be very fun!
I'm going shopping in Manchester again tomorrow (well, technically today). I hope to get most of the things I need. I still have hardly any baby stuff and I have a feeling shopping is going to get harder and harder as I seem to get more pain than I usually would if I'm walking and I'm certainly starting to develop the infamous pregnancy waddle! I got some baby bargains in Cheshire Oaks a few days ago. Unfortunately, I only really bought clothes. I bought a baby monitor thing that day though. I have a big list of everything I need to get. It's a little scary to look at, but hopefully I'll have crossed many things off it by the end of tomorrow!
Ooohh... and I was reading about week 35 of pregnancy on some online thing today and it said that mood swings are pretty common at this stage. I'm glad of that. I've been unintentionally behaving appallingly recently and now I have something to blame it on. I like being able to blame just about everything on pregnancy!
Pregnancy is affecting me in strange ways. It makes me want to buy shoes all the time. I know it probably sounds like I'm just making up excuses for my recent shoe-buyingness, but before I was pregnant I would never have even considered buying shoes. I'm not usually a very shoey person! Probably pregnancy hormoney things making me more female!
I had a huge craving for jelly and ice cream last night so I went to Tesco and bought some. It was amazing. I got a 2 litre tub of tesco value ice cream for 70p. Best bargain I've had in a long time!
Oh, I did that urine sample thing and everything was apparently fine. I have no infections or anything. It kind of pissed me off that everything was hoobacious though because it means I accidentally got pee on my hand for nothing. >.< I'm also pretty curious as to why I had protein in my pee. I want an explanation dammit!
Anyhow, hoobletoodledoooo!
My belly is currently jumping around hoobloads. I've been meaning to take a photo of my belly doing this for at least 10 weeks now, but it's impossible. Every time a camera is pointed at it or someone apart from me looks at it, he suddenly stops moving. I'm not going to bother going to the other side of my room to get my camera as I know that a video of my belly moving is inevitably not going to happen! XD
Every time he moves tonight, it hurts. He's being pretty evil! I think his head is pushing more down and it feels as though he's occasionally kicking my rectum or something. It's not a nice feeling! I keep getting lots of pain in the hard to describe bit somewhere between my belly and my fanny. It's like he's trying to headbutt his way out of me or something. I have a feeling the next five weeks are not going to be very fun!
I'm going shopping in Manchester again tomorrow (well, technically today). I hope to get most of the things I need. I still have hardly any baby stuff and I have a feeling shopping is going to get harder and harder as I seem to get more pain than I usually would if I'm walking and I'm certainly starting to develop the infamous pregnancy waddle! I got some baby bargains in Cheshire Oaks a few days ago. Unfortunately, I only really bought clothes. I bought a baby monitor thing that day though. I have a big list of everything I need to get. It's a little scary to look at, but hopefully I'll have crossed many things off it by the end of tomorrow!
Ooohh... and I was reading about week 35 of pregnancy on some online thing today and it said that mood swings are pretty common at this stage. I'm glad of that. I've been unintentionally behaving appallingly recently and now I have something to blame it on. I like being able to blame just about everything on pregnancy!
Pregnancy is affecting me in strange ways. It makes me want to buy shoes all the time. I know it probably sounds like I'm just making up excuses for my recent shoe-buyingness, but before I was pregnant I would never have even considered buying shoes. I'm not usually a very shoey person! Probably pregnancy hormoney things making me more female!
I had a huge craving for jelly and ice cream last night so I went to Tesco and bought some. It was amazing. I got a 2 litre tub of tesco value ice cream for 70p. Best bargain I've had in a long time!
Oh, I did that urine sample thing and everything was apparently fine. I have no infections or anything. It kind of pissed me off that everything was hoobacious though because it means I accidentally got pee on my hand for nothing. >.< I'm also pretty curious as to why I had protein in my pee. I want an explanation dammit!
Anyhow, hoobletoodledoooo!
Thursday, 10 September 2009
I just had my 34 week midwife appointment. It was a different midwife today. She was quite nice and for some reason she knew my grandmother.
I've been getting all these weird pains in the last few days. My grandmother was semi-convinced I was in labour or something lol. I just thought he was starting to push his head down or something. I was right. Apparently he's pushing shizz and shizz or something... The midwife did explain it to me, but I forgot most of what she said. The important thing is that I was right! His head is starting to engage and it's apparently 4/5th palpable (1/5th engaged). I'm pretty happy he hasn't gone back to being breech or anything. As his head is starting to engage, it makes it seem a lot more real and stuff... It makes me a little freaked out that I'm actually going to have to push him out of me in a few weeks lol! =]
The midwife was slightly worried when the machiney thing that measures blood pressure said 127/81. That's pretty high for me. She then checked manually and it was 105/60, which is very normal for me. Modern technology should not be trusted! XD
My pee had protein in it. That could mean I have a pee infection or something, but I didn't have any of the symptoms I was asked about. I have to do a pee sample by tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it. I hate peeing into little things. Usually I'm allowed to just pee on a stick, but as this has to be sent off to be tested, I can't get away with it. Gutted. =[
Fundal height was 33cm, so he's still growing ok. His heart rate was good too. =D
So yeshh, shizz is fine... apart from the fact I have to piss into a little thingy, but hey ho! Ooohhh... and I got prescribed gaviscon, so I wont have to keep buying it! XD
I've been getting all these weird pains in the last few days. My grandmother was semi-convinced I was in labour or something lol. I just thought he was starting to push his head down or something. I was right. Apparently he's pushing shizz and shizz or something... The midwife did explain it to me, but I forgot most of what she said. The important thing is that I was right! His head is starting to engage and it's apparently 4/5th palpable (1/5th engaged). I'm pretty happy he hasn't gone back to being breech or anything. As his head is starting to engage, it makes it seem a lot more real and stuff... It makes me a little freaked out that I'm actually going to have to push him out of me in a few weeks lol! =]
The midwife was slightly worried when the machiney thing that measures blood pressure said 127/81. That's pretty high for me. She then checked manually and it was 105/60, which is very normal for me. Modern technology should not be trusted! XD
My pee had protein in it. That could mean I have a pee infection or something, but I didn't have any of the symptoms I was asked about. I have to do a pee sample by tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it. I hate peeing into little things. Usually I'm allowed to just pee on a stick, but as this has to be sent off to be tested, I can't get away with it. Gutted. =[
Fundal height was 33cm, so he's still growing ok. His heart rate was good too. =D
So yeshh, shizz is fine... apart from the fact I have to piss into a little thingy, but hey ho! Ooohhh... and I got prescribed gaviscon, so I wont have to keep buying it! XD
34 weeks,
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Not a good idea!
Just for the record- Camping whilst 33 and a half weeks pregnant is NOT a good idea.
I went thinking I'd be fine. I didn't really understand why people were making a big deal about it. It was fun and everything, but even if I had wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to get any sleep.
I couldn't get comfortable on the horrible, hard floor. Every time I moved I got pretty bad cramp in my legs. I had it in both legs simultaneously at one point and it was horrendous. I also kept getting pins and needles. On top of that, I had terrible heartburn. I had no gaviscon with me. I'd taken it out of my bag at the last minute before I left the house to save room in my bag! >.<>.<
Today I'm all achey and horrible. I feel a zillion times more sleepy than I usually would be after campingy shizz.
I know none of this shizz sounds too bad, but seriously- it's fucking horrible and I will certainly be waiting until at least when the squigglytiddlypeep is born to go camping again!
Campingness was rather fun apart from all this shizz though! XD
Anyway, my head feels like it's going to fall off... So I'm going to bed for a few hours. Byesss.
I went thinking I'd be fine. I didn't really understand why people were making a big deal about it. It was fun and everything, but even if I had wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to get any sleep.
I couldn't get comfortable on the horrible, hard floor. Every time I moved I got pretty bad cramp in my legs. I had it in both legs simultaneously at one point and it was horrendous. I also kept getting pins and needles. On top of that, I had terrible heartburn. I had no gaviscon with me. I'd taken it out of my bag at the last minute before I left the house to save room in my bag! >.<>.<
Today I'm all achey and horrible. I feel a zillion times more sleepy than I usually would be after campingy shizz.
I know none of this shizz sounds too bad, but seriously- it's fucking horrible and I will certainly be waiting until at least when the squigglytiddlypeep is born to go camping again!
Campingness was rather fun apart from all this shizz though! XD
Anyway, my head feels like it's going to fall off... So I'm going to bed for a few hours. Byesss.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
clothes shopping!
Yesterday I went shopping for some baby clothes with my mum. Didn't get much, but I love the stuff I got. My mum paid for most of it (which surprised me). All I paid for was the greeny starry thing and a couple of bibs. The stuff is pictured above... apart from the bibs. I especially love the browny top with the trees and stuff on it! The dungarees weren't purchased yesterday, my mum had previously bought them along with a greeny hat thing.
H&M is AMAZING for baby clothes. The stuff is rad and not overpriced! I love it! When I've bought everything I actually need, I think I'm going to go there and spend all the left over money (if there is any) on clothes!
Monsoon had some lovely things. Way out of my price range though. It's certainly a shop for rich people. There was a shirt for a baby that cost the same amount as a shirt I bought for myself from River Island and thought was overpriced! I think I'll get the squigglytiddlypeep something from there at some point though... just need to find a special occasion or something to use as an excuse to spend so much money!
It amazes me how big baby clothes are... even newborn clothes... like, how the fuck is something that big supposed to fit inside my uterus?! o_O
Walking round Manchester all day whilst 33 weeks pregnant isn't the most comfortable of things. My back was KILLING me and so were my feet... and legs. My belly felt very heavy. I kept getting weird pinchy pains in the area I'd expect my cervix or something to be. It was horrible. Oh, and the squigglytiddlypeep kept kicking me in the ribs and stuff. I was surprised I didn't have heartburn on top of all that... I was exceedingly full (which just made everything all the more uncomfortable) from eating so much in pizza hut.
It wasn't a horrible day or anything. I didn't let all the pain ruin it. It was actually rather hoobacious. At least I bought some stuff... I'll buy more shizzle whenever I get the money from the HIP and SSMG. =D I love shopping!
Monday, 31 August 2009
Howdy... just a random update on all things pregnancy related! XD
I'm now 33 weeks pregnant, so there's officially only 7 weeks (or 49 days)to go. It's all getting scarily imminent now! My grandmother took great pleasure in telling me that she was 33 and a half weeks pregnant when she went into labour with my uncles... She was having twins though and twins are usually born early... Still unnerving though lol!
I'm getting lots of pregnancy related dreams at the moment. They're all very real and usually involve giving birth and are quite boring (well, in comparison to the dream I had a month or so ago where I gave birth to a rottweiler). In the last one I had, I was all upset because the baby had been born and I still didn't know what to call him. I have a feeling that I'm going to be worse than my cousin type thing (who gave birth about a month ago) who gave her baby 3 or 4 different names after she was born until she settled on one. I'm hoping I'll know what to call him as soon as he's born and wont regret my choice. =/
My mum said I need to decide on a pram very soon. I think that I've pretty much ruled out the Quinny buzz because I see them EVERYWHERE! It's a lovely pram, but it's way too common! I don't see why I should stress out about buying one. There's still 7 weeks left and I would like to explore all my options (and baby shops) to find the perfect one instead of rushing into it. If I did have to get a pram in a hurry, I'd just settle on the Graco one I liked... I've still got hardly any baby stuff lol!
I felt a weird sensation last night. It was like a repetative popping kind of thing. It was like movement, but definitely not like the kicks and stuff I'm used to feeling. It lasted for a few minutes... I think the squigglytiddlypeep might have had hiccups, but I can't be sure!
Anyhow... I dunno what else to write... So hoobletoodledoo!
I'm now 33 weeks pregnant, so there's officially only 7 weeks (or 49 days)to go. It's all getting scarily imminent now! My grandmother took great pleasure in telling me that she was 33 and a half weeks pregnant when she went into labour with my uncles... She was having twins though and twins are usually born early... Still unnerving though lol!
I'm getting lots of pregnancy related dreams at the moment. They're all very real and usually involve giving birth and are quite boring (well, in comparison to the dream I had a month or so ago where I gave birth to a rottweiler). In the last one I had, I was all upset because the baby had been born and I still didn't know what to call him. I have a feeling that I'm going to be worse than my cousin type thing (who gave birth about a month ago) who gave her baby 3 or 4 different names after she was born until she settled on one. I'm hoping I'll know what to call him as soon as he's born and wont regret my choice. =/
My mum said I need to decide on a pram very soon. I think that I've pretty much ruled out the Quinny buzz because I see them EVERYWHERE! It's a lovely pram, but it's way too common! I don't see why I should stress out about buying one. There's still 7 weeks left and I would like to explore all my options (and baby shops) to find the perfect one instead of rushing into it. If I did have to get a pram in a hurry, I'd just settle on the Graco one I liked... I've still got hardly any baby stuff lol!
I felt a weird sensation last night. It was like a repetative popping kind of thing. It was like movement, but definitely not like the kicks and stuff I'm used to feeling. It lasted for a few minutes... I think the squigglytiddlypeep might have had hiccups, but I can't be sure!
Anyhow... I dunno what else to write... So hoobletoodledoo!
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Weird symptom...
I think I have discovered the weirdest pregnancy symptom so far... At least I think it's pregnancy-related!
I have a part of my upper belly, rib-type area that keeps getting a weird burning sensation in the skin. At the same time as the weird burny feeling, there's an odd numbness... It's kind of like a numb, sunburny feeling. It feels so fucking bizarre though! XD
I have absolutely no idea about what it could be. Maybe the baby is on a nerve, or perhaps it's just the skin stretching... but gosh, I mentioned it to my grandmother and got a weird look!
But yes, I just had to write about it!
Ooohhh... and I finally filled in my Health In Pregnancy form thing... I think I fucked it up though... Hopefully it'll still work and I'll get the money. I'll send it off at some point in the next few days along with the form for the Sure Start maternity grant form... Heh, should have sorted out all this crap earlier but at least I'm getting it done!
I have a part of my upper belly, rib-type area that keeps getting a weird burning sensation in the skin. At the same time as the weird burny feeling, there's an odd numbness... It's kind of like a numb, sunburny feeling. It feels so fucking bizarre though! XD
I have absolutely no idea about what it could be. Maybe the baby is on a nerve, or perhaps it's just the skin stretching... but gosh, I mentioned it to my grandmother and got a weird look!
But yes, I just had to write about it!
Ooohhh... and I finally filled in my Health In Pregnancy form thing... I think I fucked it up though... Hopefully it'll still work and I'll get the money. I'll send it off at some point in the next few days along with the form for the Sure Start maternity grant form... Heh, should have sorted out all this crap earlier but at least I'm getting it done!
The best things about pregnancy!
I thought just having a list of the worst things about pregnancy is a bit negative... So I made a list of the best things too to balance it out! It's nowhere near as long, but hey ho! It's always good to have a little bit of positivity! XD
1. Feeling the squigglytiddlypeep move around... it's like the best feeling in the world.
2. The law about being allowed to pee anywhere.
3. Seeing the scans.
4. Knowing there's an actual little person living inside you that you made yourself!
5. People giving up their seats for you when you haven't even said anything about wanting to sit down.
6. Getting away with eating hoobloads more than you normally do.
7. People holding doors open for you.
8. You can get away with saying 'I'm not fat, I'm pregnant'.
9. People telling you that you're looking healthy... I'm not sure why people keep doing that... I definitely don't look any more healthy!
10. Being able to rest drinks on the bump and generally use it as a table... not good when things get kicked off though lol!
11. People insisting on doing things for you... My grandmother keeps insisting on cleaning out the rodent cages for me and getting me drinks.
12. The baby you get at the end of it all.
13. Knowing that soon you wont be pregnant anymore!
1. Feeling the squigglytiddlypeep move around... it's like the best feeling in the world.
2. The law about being allowed to pee anywhere.
3. Seeing the scans.
4. Knowing there's an actual little person living inside you that you made yourself!
5. People giving up their seats for you when you haven't even said anything about wanting to sit down.
6. Getting away with eating hoobloads more than you normally do.
7. People holding doors open for you.
8. You can get away with saying 'I'm not fat, I'm pregnant'.
9. People telling you that you're looking healthy... I'm not sure why people keep doing that... I definitely don't look any more healthy!
10. Being able to rest drinks on the bump and generally use it as a table... not good when things get kicked off though lol!
11. People insisting on doing things for you... My grandmother keeps insisting on cleaning out the rodent cages for me and getting me drinks.
12. The baby you get at the end of it all.
13. Knowing that soon you wont be pregnant anymore!
Friday, 28 August 2009
The 69 worst things about pregnancy!
I finally re-made the list. I can't fuck up posting it this time, because I've saved it onto my computer...
1. STRETCHMARKS!!! EVERYWHERE!!! I look like a fucking zebra!
2. Heartburn... I no longer notice how gross gaviscon tastes- it’s now like my best friend!
3. People touching the bump without permission.
4. Not being able to get drunk... I’ve been 18 for ages and still haven’t been legally wasted!
5. Not being able to smoke.
6. Not being allowed to get tattooed... One of my tats seriously needs touching up and I have to wait!
7. Not being allowed to get pierced... I love getting piercings! >.<>.<
8. 1. Knowing that very soon you’ll have lots of responsibilities.
9. Having to take iron tablets.
10. Feeling guilty every time you dye your hair because there’s a small possibility that it might be potentially harmful to the baby.
11. Boobs being all weird, ugly and lactatey.
12. Having to worry about money more.
13. Cravings... Usually on Sunday evenings when the shops are closed.
14. Not being able to walk very far without being all uncomfortable.
15. Militant lactivists condemning you because you don’t think you really want to breastfeed.
16. Having to make so many decisions. Boob or bottle? Reusable or disposable nappies? Which pram? What name? Etc...
17. Worrying about everything to do with the birth... from the pain to potential poopingness.
18. Needing to pee like a zillion times during the night... and during the day, but only at inappropriate times.
19. People giving you advice you never asked for all the time... I don’t care if I could buy lots of second hand clothes to save money... He’s a new person, so he can have new clothes!
20. Seeing the number on the scales go up every time you weigh yourself... I weigh a stone and a half more than I did at the beginning of the year! >.<
21. People saying stuff like ‘you have a very neat bump’... What the fuck does that even mean?!
22. Militant lactivists condemning you because you think you don't want to breastfeed.
23. Having to make so many decisions... Boob or bottle? Reusable or disposable nappies? Which pram? What name? etc.
24. Worrying about everything to do with the birth... From the pain to potential poopingness!
25. Needing to pee like a zillion times during the night...and during the day, but only at inappropriate times.
26. People giving you advice you never asked for all the time... I don't care if that's how you did something- I'm going to do it my way!
27. Seeing the number on the scales go up every time you weigh yourself... I weigh a stone and a half more than I did at the beginning of the year! >.<
28. People saying stuff like ‘you have a very neat bump’... What the fuck does that even mean?!
29. Getting hairier... I swear I’m turning into a gorilla!
30. Worrying about potential constipation, piles and other icky stuff and doing everything possible to prevent it.
31. Backache.
32. Random pains in places you never even knew existed.
33. Not being able to shave legs properly.
34. Googling EVERYTHING and consequently unnecessarily worrying about things you wouldn’t even know about if you hadn’t googled too much.
35. Not being able to bite your toenails.
36. Legs going numb all the way from the toes to the fanny... such a weird sensation.
37. Not being able to see much below your bellybutton without a mirror.
38. Urine samples... Luckily my midwife usually lets me pee on a stick instead of peeing into a little pot... but it’s still pee related!
39. People asking the same questions over and over again... What is it? It’s A FUCKING BABY!
40. The belly getting in the way of everything... usually resulting in silly situations like getting stuck under the table in the pub.
41. Being overly emotional and crying at films like High School Musical 3.
42. ‘Pregnancy brain’... I thought I was forgetful and a wee bit dumb BEFORE I was pregnant, but now it’s just getting ridiculous!
43. Not being able to eat sandwiches in shops because of the mayonnaise in them... I didn’t like mayonnaise before, but knowing I’m not allowed to eat it makes me want to eat it!
44. Wind... Not the outsidey, weather y kind!
45. The feeling of feet getting stuck in ribs or whatever it actually is.
46. Being told not to do things... HELLOOOO! My guitar is NOT too heavy to lift and I CAN clean out the degu cage without getting toxoplasmosis because you get it from CAT SHIT!
47. Not being able to go in mosh pits and stuff.
48. Being told off by the Wii fit for putting on weight.
49. Finding it difficult to tie shoelaces.
50. Your sense of smell being almost as good as that of a dog... All the gross smells smell a million times worse!
51. Having bigger boobs... Seriously, I thought my boobs were too big BEFORE I got pregnant!
52. Knowing that in a few weeks you’ll have to push a human out of your vagina... That can’t feel nice... and people will be looking there and stuff lol!
53. Not being able to get comfortable... especially in bed... Sleeping on the belly is impossible and sleeping on the back makes it hard to breathe.
54. Being either way too hot or way too cold.
55. Knocking things over with the belly... Notably, the beer of a random stranger.
56. Not being able to go on planes... Not that I have any reason to or even have a passport, but it’d be nice to have the option!
57. Worrying when the baby doesn’t move for a few hours and then getting kicked so hard it kinda hurts.
58. Headaches... I don’t get them much anymore, but a couple of months ago I’d quite regularly wake up with headache coolifying strips stuck to the side of my face or in my hair!
59. Having no sense of balance.
60. People making bitchy comments about names you like.
61. Not getting all the gel off you after an ultrasound.
62. Finding yourself buying pregnancy magazines instead of Kerrang!
63. Nails growing freakishly fast.
64. Not being able to plan anything super-fun during the month the baby is due.
65. People giving you evil looks when you walk up to a bar.
66. The waddle... Sometimes you end up walking like a constipated penguin.
67. The bump feeling super heavy, as though someone had injected lead into your belly.
68. Having to wait almost 10 months for it to be over... I don’t know why people say you’re pregnant for 9 months, 40 weeks is more like 10!
69. The fact that thinking of 69 bad things is way too easy!
1. STRETCHMARKS!!! EVERYWHERE!!! I look like a fucking zebra!
2. Heartburn... I no longer notice how gross gaviscon tastes- it’s now like my best friend!
3. People touching the bump without permission.
4. Not being able to get drunk... I’ve been 18 for ages and still haven’t been legally wasted!
5. Not being able to smoke.
6. Not being allowed to get tattooed... One of my tats seriously needs touching up and I have to wait!
7. Not being allowed to get pierced... I love getting piercings! >.<>.<
8. 1. Knowing that very soon you’ll have lots of responsibilities.
9. Having to take iron tablets.
10. Feeling guilty every time you dye your hair because there’s a small possibility that it might be potentially harmful to the baby.
11. Boobs being all weird, ugly and lactatey.
12. Having to worry about money more.
13. Cravings... Usually on Sunday evenings when the shops are closed.
14. Not being able to walk very far without being all uncomfortable.
15. Militant lactivists condemning you because you don’t think you really want to breastfeed.
16. Having to make so many decisions. Boob or bottle? Reusable or disposable nappies? Which pram? What name? Etc...
17. Worrying about everything to do with the birth... from the pain to potential poopingness.
18. Needing to pee like a zillion times during the night... and during the day, but only at inappropriate times.
19. People giving you advice you never asked for all the time... I don’t care if I could buy lots of second hand clothes to save money... He’s a new person, so he can have new clothes!
20. Seeing the number on the scales go up every time you weigh yourself... I weigh a stone and a half more than I did at the beginning of the year! >.<
21. People saying stuff like ‘you have a very neat bump’... What the fuck does that even mean?!
22. Militant lactivists condemning you because you think you don't want to breastfeed.
23. Having to make so many decisions... Boob or bottle? Reusable or disposable nappies? Which pram? What name? etc.
24. Worrying about everything to do with the birth... From the pain to potential poopingness!
25. Needing to pee like a zillion times during the night...and during the day, but only at inappropriate times.
26. People giving you advice you never asked for all the time... I don't care if that's how you did something- I'm going to do it my way!
27. Seeing the number on the scales go up every time you weigh yourself... I weigh a stone and a half more than I did at the beginning of the year! >.<
28. People saying stuff like ‘you have a very neat bump’... What the fuck does that even mean?!
29. Getting hairier... I swear I’m turning into a gorilla!
30. Worrying about potential constipation, piles and other icky stuff and doing everything possible to prevent it.
31. Backache.
32. Random pains in places you never even knew existed.
33. Not being able to shave legs properly.
34. Googling EVERYTHING and consequently unnecessarily worrying about things you wouldn’t even know about if you hadn’t googled too much.
35. Not being able to bite your toenails.
36. Legs going numb all the way from the toes to the fanny... such a weird sensation.
37. Not being able to see much below your bellybutton without a mirror.
38. Urine samples... Luckily my midwife usually lets me pee on a stick instead of peeing into a little pot... but it’s still pee related!
39. People asking the same questions over and over again... What is it? It’s A FUCKING BABY!
40. The belly getting in the way of everything... usually resulting in silly situations like getting stuck under the table in the pub.
41. Being overly emotional and crying at films like High School Musical 3.
42. ‘Pregnancy brain’... I thought I was forgetful and a wee bit dumb BEFORE I was pregnant, but now it’s just getting ridiculous!
43. Not being able to eat sandwiches in shops because of the mayonnaise in them... I didn’t like mayonnaise before, but knowing I’m not allowed to eat it makes me want to eat it!
44. Wind... Not the outsidey, weather y kind!
45. The feeling of feet getting stuck in ribs or whatever it actually is.
46. Being told not to do things... HELLOOOO! My guitar is NOT too heavy to lift and I CAN clean out the degu cage without getting toxoplasmosis because you get it from CAT SHIT!
47. Not being able to go in mosh pits and stuff.
48. Being told off by the Wii fit for putting on weight.
49. Finding it difficult to tie shoelaces.
50. Your sense of smell being almost as good as that of a dog... All the gross smells smell a million times worse!
51. Having bigger boobs... Seriously, I thought my boobs were too big BEFORE I got pregnant!
52. Knowing that in a few weeks you’ll have to push a human out of your vagina... That can’t feel nice... and people will be looking there and stuff lol!
53. Not being able to get comfortable... especially in bed... Sleeping on the belly is impossible and sleeping on the back makes it hard to breathe.
54. Being either way too hot or way too cold.
55. Knocking things over with the belly... Notably, the beer of a random stranger.
56. Not being able to go on planes... Not that I have any reason to or even have a passport, but it’d be nice to have the option!
57. Worrying when the baby doesn’t move for a few hours and then getting kicked so hard it kinda hurts.
58. Headaches... I don’t get them much anymore, but a couple of months ago I’d quite regularly wake up with headache coolifying strips stuck to the side of my face or in my hair!
59. Having no sense of balance.
60. People making bitchy comments about names you like.
61. Not getting all the gel off you after an ultrasound.
62. Finding yourself buying pregnancy magazines instead of Kerrang!
63. Nails growing freakishly fast.
64. Not being able to plan anything super-fun during the month the baby is due.
65. People giving you evil looks when you walk up to a bar.
66. The waddle... Sometimes you end up walking like a constipated penguin.
67. The bump feeling super heavy, as though someone had injected lead into your belly.
68. Having to wait almost 10 months for it to be over... I don’t know why people say you’re pregnant for 9 months, 40 weeks is more like 10!
69. The fact that thinking of 69 bad things is way too easy!
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Midwife Appt.
Ok, so I fucked up lastnight's post. Shame, it was a huge list of 69 things. I even cried over the deleteage of it lol... fuckin' hormones! I'm gonna try to re-create the list tonight though, so watch out for it! XD
Anyhow, I just got back from my midwife appointment. Yeah, it was at 2:30, but I went shopping afterwards... I bought a new top (not an interesting one) and some hair dye. I know I shouldn't be dying my hair, but I'm so fed up of having boring hair... I'm going to go back to my usual pinkyness! XD
Everything was hoobacious at the midwife appointment. My piss was fine. My blood pressure was 100/60. Fundal height was 32 (which is perfect because I'm 32 weeks pregnant). His heart rate was 140-155. I got my Sure Start Maternity Grant thing signed and got the Health In Pregnancy form. I'm still low risk... And best of all, he's now 'ceph free' which basically means that his head is down (like it should be), it's not engaged yet and he's no longer breech. =D
My next midwife appointment is in two weeks and is on September 10th... it's scary that it's that date in just 2 weeks because it seems dead close to October 19th!
Anyhow, I just got back from my midwife appointment. Yeah, it was at 2:30, but I went shopping afterwards... I bought a new top (not an interesting one) and some hair dye. I know I shouldn't be dying my hair, but I'm so fed up of having boring hair... I'm going to go back to my usual pinkyness! XD
Everything was hoobacious at the midwife appointment. My piss was fine. My blood pressure was 100/60. Fundal height was 32 (which is perfect because I'm 32 weeks pregnant). His heart rate was 140-155. I got my Sure Start Maternity Grant thing signed and got the Health In Pregnancy form. I'm still low risk... And best of all, he's now 'ceph free' which basically means that his head is down (like it should be), it's not engaged yet and he's no longer breech. =D
My next midwife appointment is in two weeks and is on September 10th... it's scary that it's that date in just 2 weeks because it seems dead close to October 19th!
blood pressure,
fetal heart rate,
health in pregnancy,
sure start maternity grant
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Erm yeah, I'm just gonna write about random pregnancy related crap because I'm bored!
Last night, I really shouldn't have watched Neighbours. It freaked me out big styleeee! Bridget had her baby in a tent. I'm possibly going camping some time in the next couple of weeks... and not to a music festival with proper first aidy people! o_O I don't wanna give birth in a tent! I probably wont though lol. Ooohh, and it looked super-painful and horrible... and the cord was around the baby's neck and everything and it had to be rushed to hospital... Really not the kind of thing a pregnant person wants to watch on tv. Why aren't there ever any straightforward, nice births on tv? =/
I filled in the big form for the Sure Start Maternity Grant last night. I'm going to have to get the midwife to sign it at my appointment tomorrow and then I can finally send it off and hopefully, it wont take too long to come through. I need to get a form for the Health In Pregnancy thingy tomorrow too. The midwife almost gave me one at my last appointment, but then she got distracted with lecturing me about iron and stuff lol. I really need all this money as soon as possible though. I've realised that I need to buy things and I can't afford to buy things. I get like £50 a week from income support shizz, and that's only enough to buy basic food shizz and whatnot... Well yeah, at the moment I spend quite a bit of it on random crap... but that's because my grandparents insist on letting me eat their food and buying me stuff. I do give them money towards things and stuff though. That'll all change soon though, and I'll have to start being super-careful with money and have to buy all my own food and stuff because some time in the next couple of months I'm moving out. So yeah, must start being careful with money. I think I'm going to go for the cheaper thing rather than the quinny buzz... It's nowhere near as nice, but I think I can afford it. Babies are expensive!
I've heard stories of people peeing themselves whilst pregnant... Luckily that hasn't happened to me yet, but I'm living in fear of it happening! It would be immensely embarrassing! Pregnancy is basically just many months of grossness that gradually gets worse and worse until a huge explosion of grossness right at the end. I don't understand why someone would actually choose to get pregnant. Like yeah, if it happens accidentally, it happens... but for these people that spend years and years actually trying to get pregnant*, they don't know how horrible pregnancy really is... Why don't they just adopt of something... save themselves loads of months of hell! Yeah, they get a cute little baby at the end of it, but they can get babies from other sources! Why would anyone want to put themselves through all this?! Y'know, I'm saying all this and I've had it easy. No morning sickness or anything. I can't imagine how horrid it is for all the people who are plagued with sickness and stuff!
* Note: I'm not dissing people who choose to get pregnant, I'm merely saying I hate pregnancy. I fully respect anyones choices to try to get pregnant and I'm not saying people shouldn't- just that pregnancy is gross lol. Don't want to offend anyone!
But yes, it may sound like I don't want to be pregnant, but I do. I may not have chosen to get pregnant, but even though I hate being pregnant, I can't wait to meet the squigglytiddlypeep! <3
Stay tuned for my next blog post, which will probably be a list of all the things I hate about pregnancy! XD
Last night, I really shouldn't have watched Neighbours. It freaked me out big styleeee! Bridget had her baby in a tent. I'm possibly going camping some time in the next couple of weeks... and not to a music festival with proper first aidy people! o_O I don't wanna give birth in a tent! I probably wont though lol. Ooohh, and it looked super-painful and horrible... and the cord was around the baby's neck and everything and it had to be rushed to hospital... Really not the kind of thing a pregnant person wants to watch on tv. Why aren't there ever any straightforward, nice births on tv? =/
I filled in the big form for the Sure Start Maternity Grant last night. I'm going to have to get the midwife to sign it at my appointment tomorrow and then I can finally send it off and hopefully, it wont take too long to come through. I need to get a form for the Health In Pregnancy thingy tomorrow too. The midwife almost gave me one at my last appointment, but then she got distracted with lecturing me about iron and stuff lol. I really need all this money as soon as possible though. I've realised that I need to buy things and I can't afford to buy things. I get like £50 a week from income support shizz, and that's only enough to buy basic food shizz and whatnot... Well yeah, at the moment I spend quite a bit of it on random crap... but that's because my grandparents insist on letting me eat their food and buying me stuff. I do give them money towards things and stuff though. That'll all change soon though, and I'll have to start being super-careful with money and have to buy all my own food and stuff because some time in the next couple of months I'm moving out. So yeah, must start being careful with money. I think I'm going to go for the cheaper thing rather than the quinny buzz... It's nowhere near as nice, but I think I can afford it. Babies are expensive!
I've heard stories of people peeing themselves whilst pregnant... Luckily that hasn't happened to me yet, but I'm living in fear of it happening! It would be immensely embarrassing! Pregnancy is basically just many months of grossness that gradually gets worse and worse until a huge explosion of grossness right at the end. I don't understand why someone would actually choose to get pregnant. Like yeah, if it happens accidentally, it happens... but for these people that spend years and years actually trying to get pregnant*, they don't know how horrible pregnancy really is... Why don't they just adopt of something... save themselves loads of months of hell! Yeah, they get a cute little baby at the end of it, but they can get babies from other sources! Why would anyone want to put themselves through all this?! Y'know, I'm saying all this and I've had it easy. No morning sickness or anything. I can't imagine how horrid it is for all the people who are plagued with sickness and stuff!
* Note: I'm not dissing people who choose to get pregnant, I'm merely saying I hate pregnancy. I fully respect anyones choices to try to get pregnant and I'm not saying people shouldn't- just that pregnancy is gross lol. Don't want to offend anyone!
But yes, it may sound like I don't want to be pregnant, but I do. I may not have chosen to get pregnant, but even though I hate being pregnant, I can't wait to meet the squigglytiddlypeep! <3
Stay tuned for my next blog post, which will probably be a list of all the things I hate about pregnancy! XD
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Oh my fucking god. This is absolutely mortifying to write about... but I will anyway, because it's pregnancy related and I need something to write about. Sorry if it's wayyy too much information, but it has to be documented! I need to start being more open about things like this because in like 8 weeks, I'm going to have a human coming out of my vagina and need to have no shame about anything by them! XD
I think my boobs have started leaking.
I was sitting here earlier and noticed a tiny wet spot on my top in my boobular area. I had a degu on my shoulder at the time, so I thought I'd probably been pissed on a bit or something. After further investigation, I realised that the spot of wetness was more damp on the inside of my top than the outside. Then it hit me like a double decker bus - it was probably coming from my boob.
I decided to do some more investigating. So I went and had a look. There was a teeny-tiny drop of wetness on my nipple... and there's this kinda dry opaque shizz that I've been noticing occasionally for the last week or so, but I thought that was just some kind of weird skin thing caused by my bra getting too small and rubbing a bit or something... Now I'm convinced I've been leaking colostrum or whatever it's called. I've googled about this shizz, and it definitely appears that I'm leaking a little... Not enough for it to be problematic or obvious to other people, but this is still rather embarrassing lol!
It's not fair- I don't even need this to happen as I probably wont even breastfeed (although I still haven't completelymade up my mind about that). I refuse to get some of those breast pad things though. It's really not enough leakage for me to need those. I know it'll probably get worse over the next few weeks and after the baby is born, but for now... I'd like to pretend I have normal person boobies! XD
I feel so uncool! >.< but it's always fun to LOL @ yourself, right?
I think my boobs have started leaking.
I was sitting here earlier and noticed a tiny wet spot on my top in my boobular area. I had a degu on my shoulder at the time, so I thought I'd probably been pissed on a bit or something. After further investigation, I realised that the spot of wetness was more damp on the inside of my top than the outside. Then it hit me like a double decker bus - it was probably coming from my boob.
I decided to do some more investigating. So I went and had a look. There was a teeny-tiny drop of wetness on my nipple... and there's this kinda dry opaque shizz that I've been noticing occasionally for the last week or so, but I thought that was just some kind of weird skin thing caused by my bra getting too small and rubbing a bit or something... Now I'm convinced I've been leaking colostrum or whatever it's called. I've googled about this shizz, and it definitely appears that I'm leaking a little... Not enough for it to be problematic or obvious to other people, but this is still rather embarrassing lol!
It's not fair- I don't even need this to happen as I probably wont even breastfeed (although I still haven't completelymade up my mind about that). I refuse to get some of those breast pad things though. It's really not enough leakage for me to need those. I know it'll probably get worse over the next few weeks and after the baby is born, but for now... I'd like to pretend I have normal person boobies! XD
I feel so uncool! >.< but it's always fun to LOL @ yourself, right?
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Bump update and new due date!
So this is what my bump currently looks like after 31 weeks and 6 days of pregnantness. I swear it's gone smaller since the last bump picture! Please excuse the rolled down pouchy thing on my maternity jeans and also ignore the stretchmarks (omfg- they're 10 times worse on the other side of me)! It looks smaller in the picture, but I'm growing out of more and more clothes, so I'm guessing it's not actually smaller and just looks like it is.
I have a new estimated due date... Well, not really... but my mum predicts I'm going to give birth around the 19th of September (like a month before he's actually due). She was right when she had a feeling her friend was going to give birth early... So maybe she's right with me too. For the last month or so I've had a feeling he's going to come early. There's a gig I want to go to on September 21st, but I'm not going to go to it because it's less than a month before the actual due date and seems a bit risky! I hope my mums random feeling isn't right... I'd like him to be born before he's due, but no more than a week or so before! I'm nowhere near ready to have a baby that soon lol! But yes, we shall see whether my mother is more accurate than the midwife and a scan! Should be interesting to find out! XD
Meep. It's pretty much impossible to get comfortable these days. The bump gets in the way of everything from sleeping to touching my feet. It even knocks things over. I got kinda stuck under the table in the pub because of it on Thursday and then I'm pretty sure I knocked over a glass with it when going past a table. I'm going to have to attempt to shave my legs again tonight. It should be fun. I'm being extra careful with that at the moment. It was fucking embarrassing being in hospital with a leg related thing and having only partially shaved legs!
But meep... You've now had a bump update and stuff, so I'm gonna stop writing because I have nothing interesting to say.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
I need to start updating this again... It's been 9 days since I last did. I am now 31 weeks and 5 days pregnant and there are only 58 days left until the squigglytiddlypeep is born.
After this incident, I've been having to take iron tablets. The midwife on the ward said I had no choice because my haemoglobin had dropped to 9.9 and apparently it would just drop more if I didn't take them. Meep, it's not like it had dropped a lot or anything. It was 10.4 before and that was a couple of weeks ago. >.< I wont refuse to take them though, because it's good for the squigglytiddlypeep. If he wasn't in me, I'd definitely not be taking them.
The heartburn is starting to get ridiculous over the last couple of days. Yesterday I lost count of how many times I needed to take gaviscon. I'm not sure if it's all just because I'm getting pregnanter or because of what I've been eating. Gaviscon FTW!
I still haven't bought any more baby stuff. I think I'm going to wait to get the Sure Start Maternity Grant and the Health In Pregnancy thingy. I need to keep as much of my other money as possible, as I plan to move out of this house either just before or just after the squigglytiddlypeep is born.
Yesterday I thought of a name I really liked. My mother was once again bitchy about it. I shouldn't have agreed to tell her. I need to start seriously considering names and whatnot because there's only like 8 weeks and 2 days left until he's due! o_O He needs a perfect name. If other people have a problem with what I decide to call him, they can fuck right off. ^__^
In the pub a few days ago (I was drinking mainly non-alcoholic drinks, so no lectures please :P) me and a friend were discussing how I could make use of my maternity jeans after the baby is born. They have a huge pouchy thing at the front that goes over my belly, so we reckon it'd be a good idea to use it for storing the baby in. It'd be like a kangaroo pouch. I would bounce around a lot, call him either Joey or Skippy and live a beautiful life as a kangaroo... It would be awesome! Although naming him after Skippy wouldn't be good... because he's a bush kangaroo and the word 'bush' would just be inappropriate! XD
Anyhows... this was only some kinda filler post thing. I'll write about something else later on... and maybe update with a bump picture to show how much I've grown in the last couple of weeks.
After this incident, I've been having to take iron tablets. The midwife on the ward said I had no choice because my haemoglobin had dropped to 9.9 and apparently it would just drop more if I didn't take them. Meep, it's not like it had dropped a lot or anything. It was 10.4 before and that was a couple of weeks ago. >.< I wont refuse to take them though, because it's good for the squigglytiddlypeep. If he wasn't in me, I'd definitely not be taking them.
The heartburn is starting to get ridiculous over the last couple of days. Yesterday I lost count of how many times I needed to take gaviscon. I'm not sure if it's all just because I'm getting pregnanter or because of what I've been eating. Gaviscon FTW!
I still haven't bought any more baby stuff. I think I'm going to wait to get the Sure Start Maternity Grant and the Health In Pregnancy thingy. I need to keep as much of my other money as possible, as I plan to move out of this house either just before or just after the squigglytiddlypeep is born.
Yesterday I thought of a name I really liked. My mother was once again bitchy about it. I shouldn't have agreed to tell her. I need to start seriously considering names and whatnot because there's only like 8 weeks and 2 days left until he's due! o_O He needs a perfect name. If other people have a problem with what I decide to call him, they can fuck right off. ^__^
In the pub a few days ago (I was drinking mainly non-alcoholic drinks, so no lectures please :P) me and a friend were discussing how I could make use of my maternity jeans after the baby is born. They have a huge pouchy thing at the front that goes over my belly, so we reckon it'd be a good idea to use it for storing the baby in. It'd be like a kangaroo pouch. I would bounce around a lot, call him either Joey or Skippy and live a beautiful life as a kangaroo... It would be awesome! Although naming him after Skippy wouldn't be good... because he's a bush kangaroo and the word 'bush' would just be inappropriate! XD
Anyhows... this was only some kinda filler post thing. I'll write about something else later on... and maybe update with a bump picture to show how much I've grown in the last couple of weeks.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Midwife appointment.
I just had my 30 week midwife appointment. Might as well write about it, as I have nothing else to do.
The squigglytiddlypeep is currently breech, but as I'm only 30 weeks, I have like 6 weeks for him to turn round in. If he doesn't turn round in the next 6 weeks I'll have to see some doctory person or something. It's definitely not a worry just yet though, as 6 weeks is quite a long time (although I'm certain the next 6 weeks will go really fast).
My haemoglobin is 10.4 and apparently the cut off point for needing iron tablets is 10... The midwife told me that if I don't want iron tablets, I need to start eating food with lots of iron in them, or take that pregnacare stuff. I don't do tablets, so I'm just going to try eating food with lots of iron... I'll have to google stuff and see what foods would be good to eat that actually taste nice... I will certainly not be nomming spinach or anything!
My fundal height had so far always been the same number of cms as the amount of weeks pregnant I am. I had a feeling it would be one cm over today though. Sure enough, when she measured it, my fundal height was 31cm! How psychic am I?! 31 cms is still normal though, so he's growing well. =]
My blood pressure is still good. It's 115/60. I'm not sure what the numbers really mean, but I know it's fine. The top number is the highest it's been so far, and the bottom number is almost always 60. =]
My pee was once again fine, as was the baby's heart beat.
Oooohhh... Yesterday my uncle basically called me a liar for saying my back was hurting because when his wife was pregnant, she was walking everywhere fine and didn't have pain... It totally pissed me off as I wasn't lying and it was aching like fuck. People should know not to piss of pregnant people! Me and my grandmother will take great pleasure in informing him that the midwife thinks I might have sciatica or something. Anyway, it's common knowledge that pregnant people get bachache! How the fuck can someone be justified in telling a pregnant person that they aren't in any pain?!
So yeah, that was my midwife appointment. Shizz seems to be going pretty well. My next appointment is in two weeks. =]
The squigglytiddlypeep is currently breech, but as I'm only 30 weeks, I have like 6 weeks for him to turn round in. If he doesn't turn round in the next 6 weeks I'll have to see some doctory person or something. It's definitely not a worry just yet though, as 6 weeks is quite a long time (although I'm certain the next 6 weeks will go really fast).
My haemoglobin is 10.4 and apparently the cut off point for needing iron tablets is 10... The midwife told me that if I don't want iron tablets, I need to start eating food with lots of iron in them, or take that pregnacare stuff. I don't do tablets, so I'm just going to try eating food with lots of iron... I'll have to google stuff and see what foods would be good to eat that actually taste nice... I will certainly not be nomming spinach or anything!
My fundal height had so far always been the same number of cms as the amount of weeks pregnant I am. I had a feeling it would be one cm over today though. Sure enough, when she measured it, my fundal height was 31cm! How psychic am I?! 31 cms is still normal though, so he's growing well. =]
My blood pressure is still good. It's 115/60. I'm not sure what the numbers really mean, but I know it's fine. The top number is the highest it's been so far, and the bottom number is almost always 60. =]
My pee was once again fine, as was the baby's heart beat.
Oooohhh... Yesterday my uncle basically called me a liar for saying my back was hurting because when his wife was pregnant, she was walking everywhere fine and didn't have pain... It totally pissed me off as I wasn't lying and it was aching like fuck. People should know not to piss of pregnant people! Me and my grandmother will take great pleasure in informing him that the midwife thinks I might have sciatica or something. Anyway, it's common knowledge that pregnant people get bachache! How the fuck can someone be justified in telling a pregnant person that they aren't in any pain?!
So yeah, that was my midwife appointment. Shizz seems to be going pretty well. My next appointment is in two weeks. =]
30 weeks,
blood pressure,
fundal height,
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Boy or girl?
I didn't really see much of the 20 week scan as there was a lot of stuff they needed to check and the screen was facing away from me for most of it. My grandmother was there with me and she saw the whole thing. She said he's unmistakeably a boy. The ultrasoundy person was certain it's a boy too.
However, I have a silly niggly feeling that he could turn out to be a girl. I'm not sure why. It might be because I've heard so many stories of babies turning out to be the opposite sex to what the parents were told they would be. Maybe it's because it would be hoobloads easier for me to name a girl. Maybe it's because I read in a pregnancy magazine that research shows that people with lots of money are more likely to have boys and that kind of fits in with people I know who have had babies in the last few years (well, I don't really know many actual rich people... but I'm counting rich people as grown-up people with jobs that can afford to have a baby).
I just did an old wives tale gender prediction test thing. It said there's a 53% chance of it being a girl. A chinese gender predictor thingy predicted a boy. Why can't any of these things be 100% accurate?!
I think I'm going to try buying more unisex clothes just in case. I'm not that into unisex clothes, because the majority of them don't look that cool (in my opinion). I can't stand that baby yellow colour! Luckily the moses basket I have isn't blue or anything, so it's pretty much unisex.
Hopefully he will turn out to be a boy though. I wouldn't like to have wasted hoobloads of money on boy stuff only to find out he's actually a she. Although if he does turn out to be a girl, at least I'll have the perfect name! =]
Yes, I realise how silly this post sounds!
However, I have a silly niggly feeling that he could turn out to be a girl. I'm not sure why. It might be because I've heard so many stories of babies turning out to be the opposite sex to what the parents were told they would be. Maybe it's because it would be hoobloads easier for me to name a girl. Maybe it's because I read in a pregnancy magazine that research shows that people with lots of money are more likely to have boys and that kind of fits in with people I know who have had babies in the last few years (well, I don't really know many actual rich people... but I'm counting rich people as grown-up people with jobs that can afford to have a baby).
I just did an old wives tale gender prediction test thing. It said there's a 53% chance of it being a girl. A chinese gender predictor thingy predicted a boy. Why can't any of these things be 100% accurate?!
I think I'm going to try buying more unisex clothes just in case. I'm not that into unisex clothes, because the majority of them don't look that cool (in my opinion). I can't stand that baby yellow colour! Luckily the moses basket I have isn't blue or anything, so it's pretty much unisex.
Hopefully he will turn out to be a boy though. I wouldn't like to have wasted hoobloads of money on boy stuff only to find out he's actually a she. Although if he does turn out to be a girl, at least I'll have the perfect name! =]
Yes, I realise how silly this post sounds!
20 week,
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Oh my god! Just look at the picture (and ignore the shitty PJs)! My bump is getting huge! Erk- you can see one of my many stretchmarks... One day when I'm feeling very brave (even braver than I am right now... It took a lot of persuading myself to actually take a bump picture), I might take a close up stretchmark pic and blog all about stretchies... Definitely not today though! This post is about how huge I am!
This morning I was going to get dressed and realised that apart from a couple of recently bought tops and all my old, exceedingly baggy (although not really baggy at all anymore) band t-shirts, I had no clothes that fit me. The only things I had that I can wear on my bottom half (not including PJ bottoms, as for some reason, I can still squeeze into all my old ones) are my maternity jeans and some shorts I bought a few weeks ago. I decided I needed to go shopping.
I went to New Look. Usually maternity jeans look shit (in my opinion) and I thought my maternity jeans were an ok buy as they looked slightly less shit than some other ones you can get, but still look pretty crap. I was only really going to look for a new top, but I ended up buying some black maternity skinny jeans which are fucking awesome! Unlike all other maternity jeans I've seen, I know for a fact that my mum wouldn't wear them... That was good enough for me, so I bought them. They are so hoobaciously comfortable! =D I couldn't find any tops I liked in the maternity section, so I just got a normal size 14 (gosh, it's weird to think that all my mother and grandmother's clothes would now fit me) top. It's kind of baggy, so there'll be lots of room to grow. I'm not sure if it'll fit me right up until the baby is born, but I know it'll definitely fit me for a few weeks (even at the immense rate that I'm expanding). I also bought some shoes and a bag. Shopping was productive. =]
It's getting hard to shave my legs, pick things up off the floor and tie shoe laces now, so I'm kind of worried that it's just going to get worse and worse. I refuse to give birth with hairy legs, so I'm going to find a way round it! My belly button (which I think was always pretty deep for a belly button) is getting shallower and shallower. I wonder how long it'll take for it to become an outie...
Ooohh... today, the squigglytiddlypeep moved so violently that it hurt like fuck! It was in the area around my bottom ribs. I swear he was trying to break a rib! At least I know he's moving around! I hope he doesn't cause me too much pain in the next just over 10 weeks!
Anyhow. Now I've informed the world of my giganticness, I'm gonna go do something else! Hoobletoodledoo!
belly button,
maternity clothes,
Friday, 7 August 2009
72 days...
Rarrrrr! Only 72 days left! Over the last few days it's dawned on me how little time I have left.
I have no idea what I'm going to call him. I don't even really have a narrowed down list anymore. I have the perfect girls name and I kind of want him to be a girl so I could use it. I need to find the perfect boy's name, but I only have like 11 weeks left to ponder!
So much stuff I need to buy. I want everything to be perfect. I keep putting off buying things (apart from like clothes and stuff) because even if I like something a lot, I know that if I buy it I'll probably find a better one in a few weeks. Unless things are perfect, I can't bring myself to buy them. I have a perfect moses basket though. I know I'll never be able to find one that I like even half as much. I need to remember how little time I have left and start buying all the big things!
I've started thinking/worrying about the actual birth (yeah, I'm only 29 weeks pregnant, but the last 10 weeks have gone freakishly quickly and I need to be prepared and whatnot). It's scary stuff. I don't understand how something that big can come out of something so small without breaking it or whatever. The thought of tearing and episiotomies freaks me out a bit... Especially as I know my mum had to have an episiotomy when she had me and that she tore pretty fucking badly with my half brother! C-sections... The thought of having one of those didn't sound too bad until my grandmother told me about how horrible they are. Although, I'm not sure she's a reliable source of information when it comes to pregnancy-related stuff because the last time she gave birth was in 1971... Things have probably changed a lot since then and her memory of it all is probably a bit fuzzy... At least I know that if I ask my mum about something, her knowledge is probably quite up to date as she last gave birth in 2007.
People keep telling me that I should have the baby given straight to me when he's born because I'll bond with it and stuff... I remember how gross my half brother was just after he was born and to be honest, I would rather not have to hold a baby covered in loads of... blood, shit and general fanny gunk. I think I'll definitely have him cleaned before I hold him. It's likely that I will bond with the squigglytiddlypeep anyway. I know for a fact that I'd enjoy bonding with a clean baby rather than one who is covered in ickyness. People seem to think it's wrong to want a clean baby and I kind of feel like a couple of people are pressuring me into not having him cleaned straight away. It pisses me off. It's my choice. Maybe I'll change my mind about this before October, but I probably wont. Besides, I think I've already kinda bonded with him even though he isn't born yet.
I'm going to do things how I want to do things, not how anyone else wants me to do things. >.<
But yeah, lots to think about and decide and stuff! Sorry about going into a big rant-type-thing... This post was only supposed to be about names and shopping! XD
I have no idea what I'm going to call him. I don't even really have a narrowed down list anymore. I have the perfect girls name and I kind of want him to be a girl so I could use it. I need to find the perfect boy's name, but I only have like 11 weeks left to ponder!
So much stuff I need to buy. I want everything to be perfect. I keep putting off buying things (apart from like clothes and stuff) because even if I like something a lot, I know that if I buy it I'll probably find a better one in a few weeks. Unless things are perfect, I can't bring myself to buy them. I have a perfect moses basket though. I know I'll never be able to find one that I like even half as much. I need to remember how little time I have left and start buying all the big things!
I've started thinking/worrying about the actual birth (yeah, I'm only 29 weeks pregnant, but the last 10 weeks have gone freakishly quickly and I need to be prepared and whatnot). It's scary stuff. I don't understand how something that big can come out of something so small without breaking it or whatever. The thought of tearing and episiotomies freaks me out a bit... Especially as I know my mum had to have an episiotomy when she had me and that she tore pretty fucking badly with my half brother! C-sections... The thought of having one of those didn't sound too bad until my grandmother told me about how horrible they are. Although, I'm not sure she's a reliable source of information when it comes to pregnancy-related stuff because the last time she gave birth was in 1971... Things have probably changed a lot since then and her memory of it all is probably a bit fuzzy... At least I know that if I ask my mum about something, her knowledge is probably quite up to date as she last gave birth in 2007.
People keep telling me that I should have the baby given straight to me when he's born because I'll bond with it and stuff... I remember how gross my half brother was just after he was born and to be honest, I would rather not have to hold a baby covered in loads of... blood, shit and general fanny gunk. I think I'll definitely have him cleaned before I hold him. It's likely that I will bond with the squigglytiddlypeep anyway. I know for a fact that I'd enjoy bonding with a clean baby rather than one who is covered in ickyness. People seem to think it's wrong to want a clean baby and I kind of feel like a couple of people are pressuring me into not having him cleaned straight away. It pisses me off. It's my choice. Maybe I'll change my mind about this before October, but I probably wont. Besides, I think I've already kinda bonded with him even though he isn't born yet.
I'm going to do things how I want to do things, not how anyone else wants me to do things. >.<
But yeah, lots to think about and decide and stuff! Sorry about going into a big rant-type-thing... This post was only supposed to be about names and shopping! XD
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
I had my anti-d injection today. I had been freaking out about today because ever since this incident, I have been really scared of having blood taken from me. I freaked out in the hospital last week when I was going to have blood tests, so I had to have the blood taken and tested while I was there today. Luckily, my fear of needles or whatever I was scared of seems to have randomly disappeared now and I could appreciate the awesomeness of the needle size!
They took two test tubes of my blood. It took them ages and ages to find a vein. The blood came out of me at a decent speed this time though... No drip... drip... dripping.
I then waited around for a while while they tested my blood for antibodies or whatever. They proceeded to tell me my name, date of birth and that my blood group is O negative... All information which I knew... but hey ho! I didn't bother telling them that my last name doesn't have an E on the end... I gave up on trying to get people to spell my name right years ago!
Then for the anti-d. It was a huge needle! Possibly the biggest one I've ever had. People had been telling me for weeks that it was in my butt or my leg. It was injected into the muscle in my arm with no mention of injecting it into anywhere else... Such a relief! XD It was probably the most painful injection I've ever had. It wasn't very painful or anything, but as there was a huge syringe of stuff to go into my muscle, I wasn't surprised at the weird stingy numbness. It didn't feel pleasent, but it was ok... The needle was rad though! =D
My grandmother was with me, and she mentioned to the midwife giving me the injection that I hadn't felt any definite movements from the baby for about 24 hours. Personally I wasn't immensely worried because there are days where he doesn't move as much as others, but it was kind of worrying. I didn't want to make a big deal of something that was probably nothing, but the midwifey person strapped me into a fetal heart monitoring thingy (the bit of paper from it is pictured above) just to make sure it was ok. It monitored the heart rate and also the movements. He moved quite a bit when I had the thingy strapped on to me... Typical! XD It was very reassuring though. At least I know the squigglytiddlypeep is fine. =]
It was rather worrying while I was there as there was another pregnant person getting checked out. She had had suspected swine flu, but the blood tests came back negative (yes, I listen into other people's conversations when I'm bored waiting for things). They told her that she didn't have swiney while she was in the antenatal place. So she could have given swiney (if she had happened to have it) to loads of other pregnant people. Even though she didn't have swiney, it's still worrying because even if it's just normal flu, I'd rather not catch it! >.<
Anyhow... That was my morning! XD
They took two test tubes of my blood. It took them ages and ages to find a vein. The blood came out of me at a decent speed this time though... No drip... drip... dripping.
I then waited around for a while while they tested my blood for antibodies or whatever. They proceeded to tell me my name, date of birth and that my blood group is O negative... All information which I knew... but hey ho! I didn't bother telling them that my last name doesn't have an E on the end... I gave up on trying to get people to spell my name right years ago!
Then for the anti-d. It was a huge needle! Possibly the biggest one I've ever had. People had been telling me for weeks that it was in my butt or my leg. It was injected into the muscle in my arm with no mention of injecting it into anywhere else... Such a relief! XD It was probably the most painful injection I've ever had. It wasn't very painful or anything, but as there was a huge syringe of stuff to go into my muscle, I wasn't surprised at the weird stingy numbness. It didn't feel pleasent, but it was ok... The needle was rad though! =D
My grandmother was with me, and she mentioned to the midwife giving me the injection that I hadn't felt any definite movements from the baby for about 24 hours. Personally I wasn't immensely worried because there are days where he doesn't move as much as others, but it was kind of worrying. I didn't want to make a big deal of something that was probably nothing, but the midwifey person strapped me into a fetal heart monitoring thingy (the bit of paper from it is pictured above) just to make sure it was ok. It monitored the heart rate and also the movements. He moved quite a bit when I had the thingy strapped on to me... Typical! XD It was very reassuring though. At least I know the squigglytiddlypeep is fine. =]
It was rather worrying while I was there as there was another pregnant person getting checked out. She had had suspected swine flu, but the blood tests came back negative (yes, I listen into other people's conversations when I'm bored waiting for things). They told her that she didn't have swiney while she was in the antenatal place. So she could have given swiney (if she had happened to have it) to loads of other pregnant people. Even though she didn't have swiney, it's still worrying because even if it's just normal flu, I'd rather not catch it! >.<
Anyhow... That was my morning! XD
fetal heart rate,
o negative,
pregnant blood,
swine flu,
Thursday, 30 July 2009
The joys of back ache!
Grrr! I know this probably isn't the best time to moan about this particular pregnancy symptom as I'm only 28 weeks pregnant and it's just going to get a lot worse as I get pregnanter, but gosh, it's horrid! Over the last week or so, my back has been immensely achey a lot of time time. Thankfully it's not a constant thing. As the baby gets bigger, my back is bound to ache a lot more, so I'm guessing this might not be the last thing I write about back ache!
I have found that leaning against a laptop or a tray can help sometimes. The more I do this, the more I get weird looks from people... I don't know why! Yeah, it looks a bit strange, but it's better than taking painkillers (which I never, ever do unless I'm in complete agony). I'm quite glad I still have Larry (my old, dead laptop). I knew that keeping him would be somehow useful. Leaning against laptops and trays doesn't stop the pain, but it is quite relieving. I'm not sure why it helps... My grandmother suggested that it's something to do with the straightness of things, but if I lean against a wall, I don't get the same effect. Heh, it's bizarre, but at least there's something that makes it slightly more tolerable! =D
Occasionally, the squigglytiddlypeep will move and the back ache will miraculously disappear. It makes me think that he's probably getting revenge on me for something!
At least it's probably better than morning sickness, which I somehow managed to completely avoid! =D It's definitely not as annoying as stretchmarks (which I will blog about at some point in the near future).
I have found that leaning against a laptop or a tray can help sometimes. The more I do this, the more I get weird looks from people... I don't know why! Yeah, it looks a bit strange, but it's better than taking painkillers (which I never, ever do unless I'm in complete agony). I'm quite glad I still have Larry (my old, dead laptop). I knew that keeping him would be somehow useful. Leaning against laptops and trays doesn't stop the pain, but it is quite relieving. I'm not sure why it helps... My grandmother suggested that it's something to do with the straightness of things, but if I lean against a wall, I don't get the same effect. Heh, it's bizarre, but at least there's something that makes it slightly more tolerable! =D
Occasionally, the squigglytiddlypeep will move and the back ache will miraculously disappear. It makes me think that he's probably getting revenge on me for something!
At least it's probably better than morning sickness, which I somehow managed to completely avoid! =D It's definitely not as annoying as stretchmarks (which I will blog about at some point in the near future).
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Rarrrrr! I am so fed up of people being quite horrible about names! My mother in particular (not just, her), but moooooo! He's my baby and I will call him whatever the fuck I want to call him! >.<
It seems that unless you are going to call your kid something extremely normal and overused (no offense to anyone with these names or children with the names) like Harry, Ben or Jack, people are going to be bitchy and really quite mean.
I had to rant about this after I told my mother to stop constantly calling the baby a particular name. It was only a suggestion I came up with a few weeks ago and she thinks he should be called it because she likes it. Her using it has made me cross it off my mental list of possibilities. What gives her the right to name MY baby?! After telling her to stop using that name, she went on to persuade me to tell her my current favourite names (even though I said I didn't want to tell her). I didn't want her to either latch onto a name or be absolutely fucking horrible about the names, like she had been in the past.
One of my favourite names (which was actually quite a common name) is apparently a dog's name and if I called my child that, my mother w0uld call him something else. That really pissed me off because it would be like my grandmother calling me Felicity or something because she doesn't like the name Charlotte.
Another name (one of my favourites at the moment) is apparently a bully target because it's the name of a very famous junkie associated with another celebrity who I can't stand. I had never even heard of him until my mother mentioned him and I googled. I'm pretty sure there are many more drug junkies in the world called Charlotte or Harry...
Apparently using Sirius as a middle name is bad and people would just think I'm an immature Harry Potter fan (this coming from a woman with a child called Harry). Yes, I like Harry Potter, but I love the name Sirius when paired with an un-potter-related first name. Besides, it is the name of a fucking star!
Apparently someone called Angus would be bullied because kids would associate it with aberdeen Angus. Yeah fucking right... I'm eighteen and I had to google Aberdeen Angus. >.<
There are many more examples I could give, but I don't want to give away the names on my list or rant so much that I get any more pissed off. Blahhh. If she can't think of a specific bad thing to pick on about a name, she'll just say something like 'it's a chav name', 'it's weird' or 'I know someone I don't like with that name'.
Oh, and if the name is obviously biblical (unless it's something like Lucifer) it's perfectly ok to use no matter how weird it is... Apparently someone called Job (BJ anyone?) wouldn't get bullied, but someone called Angus would? I mean, dude, where's the logic in that?!
So yeah, until the baby is born, I am telling nobody my list of names. Blehhh. If I was having a girl I wouldn't have this problem because there is only one name I would use and everyone seems to like it. >.<
It seems that unless you are going to call your kid something extremely normal and overused (no offense to anyone with these names or children with the names) like Harry, Ben or Jack, people are going to be bitchy and really quite mean.
I had to rant about this after I told my mother to stop constantly calling the baby a particular name. It was only a suggestion I came up with a few weeks ago and she thinks he should be called it because she likes it. Her using it has made me cross it off my mental list of possibilities. What gives her the right to name MY baby?! After telling her to stop using that name, she went on to persuade me to tell her my current favourite names (even though I said I didn't want to tell her). I didn't want her to either latch onto a name or be absolutely fucking horrible about the names, like she had been in the past.
One of my favourite names (which was actually quite a common name) is apparently a dog's name and if I called my child that, my mother w0uld call him something else. That really pissed me off because it would be like my grandmother calling me Felicity or something because she doesn't like the name Charlotte.
Another name (one of my favourites at the moment) is apparently a bully target because it's the name of a very famous junkie associated with another celebrity who I can't stand. I had never even heard of him until my mother mentioned him and I googled. I'm pretty sure there are many more drug junkies in the world called Charlotte or Harry...
Apparently using Sirius as a middle name is bad and people would just think I'm an immature Harry Potter fan (this coming from a woman with a child called Harry). Yes, I like Harry Potter, but I love the name Sirius when paired with an un-potter-related first name. Besides, it is the name of a fucking star!
Apparently someone called Angus would be bullied because kids would associate it with aberdeen Angus. Yeah fucking right... I'm eighteen and I had to google Aberdeen Angus. >.<
There are many more examples I could give, but I don't want to give away the names on my list or rant so much that I get any more pissed off. Blahhh. If she can't think of a specific bad thing to pick on about a name, she'll just say something like 'it's a chav name', 'it's weird' or 'I know someone I don't like with that name'.
Oh, and if the name is obviously biblical (unless it's something like Lucifer) it's perfectly ok to use no matter how weird it is... Apparently someone called Job (BJ anyone?) wouldn't get bullied, but someone called Angus would? I mean, dude, where's the logic in that?!
So yeah, until the baby is born, I am telling nobody my list of names. Blehhh. If I was having a girl I wouldn't have this problem because there is only one name I would use and everyone seems to like it. >.<
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Prams (warning: boring).
Wow... There's only 85 days left.
I've been pondering prams recently (especially since last weeks trip to mothercare world, mamas & papas and babies r us). There are so many things to consider with prams... Prettiness (pretty much my main priority), size, cost, what's included, blablablahhh. I have found that the prams in shops look totally different from the ones online and in cataloguey things. The silver cross 3d one looks quite nice in pictures, but in real life I think it looks absolutely fucking vile.
I quite like the Graco Mosaic travel system thing... Well, I think that's the one I like. I saw it in mothercare and thought it looked quite nice and didn't bother taking note of the name. Judging from the Graco website, the Graco Mosaic looks like it is the one I saw. I like it because it's quite pretty (I can't remember whether it was the Air one or the Chocolate Lime one that was in mothercare, but I know it had some nice circley things on it!), I wouldn't have to buy a car seat seperately and it is really cheap compared to the other one I like!
The other one I like is the Quinny buzz! In red. I don't know whether I like it better with four wheels or three, but I love it! In real life, it's the prettiest pram ever! I didn't like it when I first saw it online, but I saw it in babies r us and it was fantastic! However, I'd have to buy the car seat seperately and it's a lot more expensive than the Graco one! My mother said that her husband's sister has it, which kind of put me off it a little bit, but I never see her anyway, so that doesn't really matter!
I quite like the mamas & papas Skate one. Again, I didn't really like it in the pictures, but I loved in in mamas and papas. I only really liked it in some really girly colours though, which is a shame because I'm having a boy! Blahhh- it was dead expensive anyway!
There was also another one I liked in babies r us, but I can't remember he name or even the make!
So yeah, it's between that Graco one and the Quinny one. I have no idea which one I'll choose. I guess I'll just see how much money I end up spending on other things and go with the Quinny if I can afford it and the Graco if I can't. My great grandmother gave me £200 towards a pram though and money isn't a huge issue at the moment. =]
When I do decide which one to get, I'm going to have to keep it in the shop or someone elses house or something until the squigglytiddlypeep is actually born. My grandmother is superstitious and thinks bad things will happen if you put a pram in the house before the baby is there... It's a load of bullshit if you ask me, but as it's her house I have to respect her wishes! XD
But yeah, a super boring post about prams. I promise I'll write something interesting at some point!
I've been pondering prams recently (especially since last weeks trip to mothercare world, mamas & papas and babies r us). There are so many things to consider with prams... Prettiness (pretty much my main priority), size, cost, what's included, blablablahhh. I have found that the prams in shops look totally different from the ones online and in cataloguey things. The silver cross 3d one looks quite nice in pictures, but in real life I think it looks absolutely fucking vile.
I quite like the Graco Mosaic travel system thing... Well, I think that's the one I like. I saw it in mothercare and thought it looked quite nice and didn't bother taking note of the name. Judging from the Graco website, the Graco Mosaic looks like it is the one I saw. I like it because it's quite pretty (I can't remember whether it was the Air one or the Chocolate Lime one that was in mothercare, but I know it had some nice circley things on it!), I wouldn't have to buy a car seat seperately and it is really cheap compared to the other one I like!
The other one I like is the Quinny buzz! In red. I don't know whether I like it better with four wheels or three, but I love it! In real life, it's the prettiest pram ever! I didn't like it when I first saw it online, but I saw it in babies r us and it was fantastic! However, I'd have to buy the car seat seperately and it's a lot more expensive than the Graco one! My mother said that her husband's sister has it, which kind of put me off it a little bit, but I never see her anyway, so that doesn't really matter!
I quite like the mamas & papas Skate one. Again, I didn't really like it in the pictures, but I loved in in mamas and papas. I only really liked it in some really girly colours though, which is a shame because I'm having a boy! Blahhh- it was dead expensive anyway!
There was also another one I liked in babies r us, but I can't remember he name or even the make!
So yeah, it's between that Graco one and the Quinny one. I have no idea which one I'll choose. I guess I'll just see how much money I end up spending on other things and go with the Quinny if I can afford it and the Graco if I can't. My great grandmother gave me £200 towards a pram though and money isn't a huge issue at the moment. =]
When I do decide which one to get, I'm going to have to keep it in the shop or someone elses house or something until the squigglytiddlypeep is actually born. My grandmother is superstitious and thinks bad things will happen if you put a pram in the house before the baby is there... It's a load of bullshit if you ask me, but as it's her house I have to respect her wishes! XD
But yeah, a super boring post about prams. I promise I'll write something interesting at some point!
babies r us,
mamas and papas,
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Introductiony post...
I have recently realised that all I ever seem to talk about is pregnancy related crap and I'm starting to annoy myself with it. I decided it would be a good idea to make a pregnancy blog because it's somewhere to write all about my pregnantness without writing too much about it on my main blog. I'm sure my whittering on about pregnancy is boring to everyone who isn't actually pregnant... I know I wouldn't find it interesting if I wasn't pregnant myself! XD
The title 'Some girls are bigger than others' is the name of a song by The Smiths. I'm getting a lot bigger than I used to be, so I thought it would be an ok title!
I should have thought up the idea of a pregnancy blog sooner as there is now less than three months until the baby is due. It would have been nice to document the rest of the pregnancy, but oh well. It's not the end of the world!
I have a feeling I'll update this blog an awful lot because I have a lot of free time and a lot of pregnancy-related crap to whitter on about!
In this first post, I'll cover the answers to the two most commonly asked pregnancy questions. 1) When's it due? And 2) Is it a boy or a girl? I can sum that up in one sentence: The baby is due on October 19th 2009 and it's a boy.
I'll definitely write a proper post later on today! Look below and there's a pic of the little dude! =D
The title 'Some girls are bigger than others' is the name of a song by The Smiths. I'm getting a lot bigger than I used to be, so I thought it would be an ok title!
I should have thought up the idea of a pregnancy blog sooner as there is now less than three months until the baby is due. It would have been nice to document the rest of the pregnancy, but oh well. It's not the end of the world!
I have a feeling I'll update this blog an awful lot because I have a lot of free time and a lot of pregnancy-related crap to whitter on about!
In this first post, I'll cover the answers to the two most commonly asked pregnancy questions. 1) When's it due? And 2) Is it a boy or a girl? I can sum that up in one sentence: The baby is due on October 19th 2009 and it's a boy.
I'll definitely write a proper post later on today! Look below and there's a pic of the little dude! =D
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